Chapter 7. Happened To Know ChenXiao's Trick.

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Yibo changed his clothes and came to the living room. He picked up the flowers and gift box and was about to leave. The corner of his eye suddenly glanced at a stack of documents under the coffee table, he picked it up and took a look, it was the divorce agreement he had sent over to him.

Yibo flipped through the pages casually with a frown. Zhan didn't signed any copy he had sent.

Yibo threw them back onto the table with a loud noise.

His sharp eyes showed ruthlessness in the moment, "When do you sign it?"

Zhan's heart sank.

"When are you going to get out of my house?"

Zhan looked at Yibo dumbly. He opened his mouth and tried to say something.

But Yibo glared at him and said sarcastically before Zhan, "Are you so greedy for vanity that you can't let go of the position of Mrs. Wang?"

After that, Yibo turned around and opened the door to leave. Zhan looked at the clock on the wall and the thick night outside, he hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, "Where are you going?"

Yibo glared back at him in disgust, "You're not qualified to know."

He turned to leave, but Zhan reached out and pulled him, while touching his stomach, "Last time the doctor said it was caused by uterine contractions, if it became more. frequent, it will easily cause premature labor. I'm begging you, stay with me, okay?"

Zhan put his dignity aside and tried his best to give it a try. because he knew Yibo grandpa valued the child in his belly, and Yibo didn't dare to neglect it yet...

Yibo sneered, and his laugh was creepy, "If the child in your belly is gone, I'll be free."

Zhan felt a sudden pain in his heart. 

He held his stomach, his face was pale and he was shaky.

When he came back to his sense, Yibo had already gotten rid of him, slammed the door and left. 

Zhan subconsciously ran after him. The lights of car lit up in the night and left like a stray arrow. Zhan didn't think much about it; he turned around and went back to the room to get the car keys, ran to the garage and drove after him.

Yibo's speed was too fast for Zhan to catch up, and he lost him after a long path.

Zhan got out of the car and walked to the intersection and looked around, trying to recognize where he was, when he suddenly heard a strange sound.

A black expensive sports car shook violently under the night lights.

"Tell me, whose skills are better for you, mine or Yibo's?"

"Of course you're better, well... Yibo... he never has sex with me..."

Suddenly the woman exclaimed as if in a panic, gasping,

"No, don't... be careful, don't leave a mark..."

After his release, the man released her and cupped her chin, "Well, you decided to carry out your plan?"

The woman allowed him to hold herself up, under the lights, the redness in her cheeks made her more seductive, "I had already managed to ask him out tonight. I prepared something and I am going to coax him to drink it. I do not believe he can resist. By then, after everything had happened, he has no excuse to refuse me again..."

When Zhan heard the woman's familiar voice in the beginning, Zhan was startled and his heart beat fast. When he saw the woman's face which was revealed in the headlights after they were done, Zhan's body stiffened, his eyes widened incredulously.

The scream in his throat almost came out, and he reached out to cover his mouth before he screamed the woman's name out.


A cold breeze blew from the grass, and it chilled Zhan, who finally realized his situation. Hearing their conversation without missing one word, Zhan was too shocked. When his feet stepped back, suddenly he slipped and fell on the ground.

"Who?!" ChenXiao asked.



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