Chapter 12. He Listened To It All.

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Yibo pulled ChenXiao directly into the car, quickly started the car engine, and drove off toward the downtown.

The Bentley stopped outside a large mall, and ChenXiao couldn't even ask why before Yibo pulled her towards the elevator, and eventually they stopped at the maternal and child section on the 5th floor.

ChenXiao's heart sank when she looked at his eagerness and suppressed excited look. Did he want her to pick out mother and baby supplies for Zhan after bringing her here?

What exactly did the doctor say in the examination room just now?

She subconsciously faked a smile, "Yibo, what are you doing in such a hurry? Is there something wrong with Zhan's baby?"

Yibo pulled a black card straight from his money clip and threw it on the counter, "He's pregnant with twins."

ChenXiao's face changed and she repeated incredulously, "Twins?"

So, Yibo got softhearted, right?

Before she could realize her reaction, Yibo had already walked into a children's furniture section on his own while casually pointing at the children's beds, chairs, and walking carts he saw, arrogantly commanding the shop assistant who was startled on the side, "This, this, wrap it all up for me."

After saying that, he walked into another children's clothing store, without even looking at the style or size, and pointed out to let the sales assistants wrap them up directly as he was wealthy enough to buy them all.

A shop assistant kindly reminded him, "Sir, I don't know if your baby is a boy or a girl, you've just chosen so many for both boys and girls."

Yibo froze slightly for a moment, and then turned his eyes to the clerk, "I want both. Pack one of all the assorted styles for both boys and girls."

ChenXiao watched dumbfounded on the side when a thought suddenly flashed in her mind. She blushed white as her fingertips painted with red nails secretly clenched and tucked into her palm.


Wait for me, I would not only take your man, I would take your children and leave you with nothing!

Yibo had everything he bought packed by the mall and delivered to the mansion, but he also stuffed the trunk in the back with a large pile of nutritional products for pregnant men.

Yibo did not notice ChenXiao's increasingly unnatural face the whole time, and drove back to the hospital and carried the things he bought haphazardly to Zhan's ward. He kicked open the door of the room without saying a word and it startled Zhan. 

Zhan was listening to music with his phone in his hand. He sat up from the bed in fright as a swift wind swept before his eyes. 

Yibo rushed to him and snatched his headphones and cellphone and threw them away, his tone was furious, "Zhan, are you trying to kill our babies?!"

Zhan was stunned by his yell and looked at him dumbly, "What, what did you say?"

Yibo couldn't tell why his mood was so irritable. He threw the big bags in his hand on bed, and angrily yelled again, "Eat these for me. If there's the slightest accident to my children because of you, I'll make you look bad!"

He turned around after yelling, and closed the door with a "Bang"! 

Zhan looked back at the mess of gift bags thrown at the foot of the bed. There were a dazzling array of vitamins, maternal milk powder, healthcare products, and a stack of parenting books and so on.

Zhan struggled to pinch his leg and screamed in pain before he was sure that what was in front of him was not a dream.

When Zhan reacted, his eyes flushed red for a moment, and tears were welling up.

He actually listened to everything the doctor said........

ChenXiao, who had just stood outside the door and watched everything, was glaring hatefully at Zhan when the gloomy expression on her beautiful face grew thicker and thicker and her eyes was crazy with jealousy.


The news that Zhan was pregnant with twins soon reached the Wang family and the Xiao family, and his Grandpa Qiren was the first to bring a large pile of supplies with Joe, Yibo's mother, to personally visit Zhan in the hospital. They even forced Yibo out of company affairs and accompanied them throughout the trip.

Outside the ward, bodyguards stood in a row to clear the area, not allowing anyone to disturb them.

After the dean personally examined Zhan, he told Qiren, "Mrs. Wang's body is recovering well, as long as he pays more attention to recuperation and emotional control, he can be discharged from the hospital soon."

Only then did a smile appear on the old man's majestic face as he gratefully patted Zhan's hand, "It's good that you're alright, Zhan. You almost scared me into a heart attack. I didn't expect you to add a pair of precious grandchildren to my Wang family, I am really happy now."

Zhan smiled apologetically and said, "Grandpa, I am sorry to worry you"

"As the son-in-law of the Wang family, you can't even protect your own children. Can you afford to do so if anything happens to the two children?" Joe stood to the side and coldly scolded Zhan. 

Joe had always despised Zhan's status as the adopted son of the Xiao family, plus the rumors from the outside, how could such a shameless man be worthy of her son?

"You shut up!"

Qiren yell at her directly, and she pursed her lips and didn't dare to say anything more.

Qiren wrinkled his eyebrows and glanced at silent Yibo in a deep voice, "I have already proceeded to transfer ten percent of the Wang Group's shares to Zhan out of the forty percent in my hands, and the rest I will transfer to Yibo as long as Zhan gives birth to the twins successfully. With the twenty percent of shares in his hands, the Wang Group will be his soon."

Everyone was shocked when those words came out.



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