Chapter 25. You're Courting Death

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ChenXiao was taken to Yibo's study, and a bodyguard kicked her in the bend of the leg.

She knelt on the ground in humiliation and became angry immediately, "How dare you to treat me like this? If Yibo knows, he won't let you go!"

"You, do know me."

A cold laugh suddenly came in. ChenXiao looked back and found that Yibo walked in slowly from the doorway and stood in front of her, looking askance at her in a condescending manner. His whole body covered with gloom.

ChenXiao's heart thumped, but she quickly put on an aggrieved face, "Yibo, they actually dared to arrest me. They said they even arrested my mother and said it was your order. They lied to me, right? How could you do that to me?"

Yibo coldly glared at her, his gaze dark, and grabbed her chin to force the question, "What are you doing at the airport?"

A flash of guilty crossed ChenXiao's eyes but she still answered stiffly, "I, I'm going to visit my aunt abroad."

"You're a good actress and this is why you've been around me for so long to fool me."

Yibo stared at her grimly; anger bursting out of his eyes all of a sudden, "I'll give you one last chance. Where were you on the day of my accident? Did you have anything to do with Zhan's leaving?"

"Zhan left? Where did he go?, I don't know. I was also worried about you when I got the news the other day. I went to see you. You can ask your assistant!"

ChenXiao pretended to be ignorant as she looked at him, her tears suddenly falling like broken beads, which was extraordinarily charming.

Seeing this scene, Yibo unexpectedly had a murderous intent in his eyes,


He suddenly slammed her to the ground fiercely. "You are trying to pretend to be ignorant again?!"

ChenXiao was clearly taken aback by him, and she shrank and stared at him in dismay.

Zanjin turned on the TV in the study. 

It showed that Xiao Jingtong was tied up and knelt on the floor. Her hair was messed up. Several bodyguards were standing off to the side with guns pointing at her head. 

Madam Xiao was so scared that she kept crying and begging for mercy, "You guys let me go. I'll say everything. At the hotel that day, it was me and ChenXiao who drugged Zhan and Yibo's wine respectively, and then we sent him to Yibo's room and let them have sex. As long as he gets pregnant with Yibo's child, we will pretend to be generous and let Zhan married Yibo and give birth to the child. Then we will drive him away so ChenXiao would be able to adopt the child and marry into the Wang's family instead..."

ChenXiao looked at the TV screen blankly. She instantly looked pale and was unable to say a word.




Yibo leaped forward and threw her a slap with a deathly pale face, "I have been kept in the dark from the beginning to the end. You'd better explain everything to me now. Say!"

ChenXiao was beaten to the ground, her ears buzzing, her beautiful eyes steeped in panic, blood dripping down the corners of her mouth, wretched and miserable.

She cried out miserably, "I don't know what she is talking about? Yibo, trust me, I don't know anything."

"You are still playing innocent?"

Yibo's face was full of anger and he took a step back. Zanjin once again pressed the button to switch the screen. 

The screen first played the whole process of ChenXiao appearing at the hospital to threaten Zhan, then the picture of the red Mercedes Benz fished up from the river, matching the car that collided with Yibo's black Bentley on the highway. The license plate number was the same.

Yibo threw a copy of the car purchase contract in her face, "I saved you from Rouhan's men at the banquet in the first place. You've been acting from the beginning, and you're still acting now, very good! You've been around me long enough to know my means!"

"Take her down and tie her with Xiao Jingtong. Teach them a lesson!"

Hearing this, a few bodyguards immediately round up ChenXiao to get her. 

ChenXiao cried out loud and struggled desperately, "You can't do this to me! I've done all this for you. I love you. I love you. I've loved you since the beginning when you saved me. Zhan, that bitch is just a gambler's son. How dare he want to become your wife forever. He doesn't deserve you."

"You obviously hate him too, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have been so cruel to him. When he was eight months pregnant, you always stayed with me and didn't care about him. In fact, he gave you up a long time ago. I just gave him an excuse to leave on his own accord. I know you love me, Yibo....."

In an instant, the entire study was quiet, except for ChenXiao's mournful cries.

Yibo's face became increasingly bad, some ruthlessness gathered in his awful red-hot eyes, choking her neck with one hand and said, "You're courting death!"



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