Chapter 11. Special baby

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Early the next morning, outside the hospital obstetrics department. Wearing a black trench coat, Yibo walked in with his arm around ChenXiao and his aura was awe-inspiring. 

Zhan was lying on the bed. When he raised his eyes, he saw ChenXiao holding Yibo hand coquettishly and smilingly appearing in front of him.

The intimate movements of the two stung Zhan's eyes once more, and he looked at ChenXiao in an unkind tone, "I said I don't want to see you again."

"I'm here because your pregnancy test is out, and after I read it, I'll take ChenXiao to make up for her birthday."

Yibo answered Zhan's words with his harsh eyes looking directly at Zhan, but he was not moved at all by the pain in Zhan's eyes.

A hint of smugness was picked up in ChenXiao's eyes as she looked askance at Zhan, but it quickly transformed into a warm smile. "Zhan doesn't want to see me, I'll just go out and wait."

As soon as ChenXiao left, Yibo sat down while impatiently urging the doctor to explain the results, "What's in the report?"

His tone was clearly impatient. The female doctor looked up at him, and then looked at the miserable looking Zhan on the hospital bed, sighed. 

She turned with a frown and said, "The mother's emotions are especially important to the child's health not to mention that Mrs. Wang's carrying a special baby this time. He almost miscarried this time and needs to take good care of his body during the next stage; otherwise the child will probably not be kept safe."

Zhan's heart stuttered and he asked anxiously, "Carrying a special baby, how is it special?"

The female doctor glanced at Yibo first, who wrinkled his thick brows, "What do you mean?"

The female doctor's tone cooled, she was turning the instrument screen to him and Zhan while turning the probe in her hand on Zhan's belly, pointing to the two fetuses that had already taken shape on the screen, "They are twins".

When these words came out, Zhan and Yibo froze immediately. Zhan's eyes wide opened in shock as he stared fixedly at the screen, and his mood unsettled.

Zhan got pregnant after one night with Yibo. However, he was pregnant with twins, he surprisingly never found out by himself as a mother.

Yibo sat there while staring at the screen in the same dumbfounded way as Zhan; his handsome face was no less shocked than Zhan's.

"Every man's pregnancy for ten months is an extremely hard task, and Mrs. Wang is pregnant with twins. His pregnancy reaction is naturally more obvious than an ordinary pregnant man. If the mother's body is a little bit wrong, the fetus will be affected immediately. You young people only know how to play crazy and mess around, and it's you who will regret it when the time comes if you don't take good care of the pregnant man's body!"

The female doctor had no regard for Yibo's identity while she coldly lectured him. Yibo's face was getting darker and darker upon hearing her words.

This man knew he was in such a state, but he still followed me out in the middle of the night. If I hadn't found him in time to save him, was he going to bury my two children for his own benefits?

Yibo was about to lash out at Zhan with a lot of anger burning brightly inside him. When he turned back to see Zhan's expression, the angry words were blocked directly in his throat, and his handsome eyes flashed with a touch of consternation.

Zhan's hands stroked on his bulging belly, the corners of his lips were outlined with a smile, both his eyebrows curved with a smile, and even the curve of his face looked gentle. There seemed to be an aura around him that enveloped him, which made it impossible for anyone present to ignore the joy emanated from his heart.

Zhan noticed a glimpse of sight and raised his head to meet him when Yibo suddenly scuffed up from his chair, turned and slammed the door before leaving.

ChenXiao waited outside and was startled by his sudden rushing out, and without waiting for her reaction, Yibo directly clutched her and left.

Zhan sat there while watching their departing backs in daze, and a bleak smile spread across the corners of his mouth in the end. 

Now even his children couldn't keep him?



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