Chapter 20. What The Hell Are You

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Two days later, Zhan was awake.

The sunlight was a bit dazzling. Zhan opened his eyes in a daze, the walls around him were snow white, and the smell of disinfectant water was all over his nose.

A figure slowly emerged from the harsh sunlight, once he saw Zhan was awake, he came and asked, "You're awake?"

It was Haikuan.

Zhan slowly raised his hand and put it over his flattened abdomen. His eyes were still full of tears, as if the heart-rending pain he felt before the surgery hadn't dissipated.

He looked around bewildered, and the twin babies he was expecting were not by his side. He was anxious to sit up. 

Haikuan hurriedly pressed Zhan back and reassured him, "The babies are fine, it's in the nursery now."

Only then did Zhan let out a sigh of relief, and a clear, cold voice suddenly rang out in his head again. "All I want is the child......"

Zhan raised his head to look at Haikuan, "Where was Yibo?"

Haikuan was suddenly stagnant, looking at him speechless. His handsome brows knitted into a knot, thinking that Zhan had only just returned from the death gate. He did not want to hit him, but did not know how to hide the fact from him.

Zhan turned around, not even frowning, and he was even smiling softly, only the light in his eyes was dull.

His heart, as if it had been run over by a big truck, ached. "I want to see the babies."

At this time, the babies were the only driving force for him to live on.

Haikuan nodded and helped Zhan into the wheelchair, pushing him to the nursery.

Through a layer of glass, Haikuan pointed to a cot closest to them and showed Zhan the two little babies that were sleeping together against their heads, "You gave birth to a pair of boy and girl twins! They are healthy. When you get better, you can hold them yourself. Grandpa Qiren went to buy things for his beloved grandchildren and he'd send them all together tomorrow."

Zhan had both hands against the glass before he could see clearly his twins lying in their cribs squirming slightly. Their skins were as red and wrinkled as a newborn kitten: their eyes closed tightly, small mouths slightly open and doe-eyed. Although it was too early to tell, the shape of those eyebrows, the deep and slightly raised corners of those eyes, resembled a man.

Tears gradually filled in Zhan's eyes and rushed down.

Haikuan intended to comfort him, but Zhan looked at him and jawed, "I'm hungry and want to eat something."

Upon hearing that, Haikuan smiled, and his face full of happiness. What he afraid most was that once Zhan woke up, his mood would be too depressed and affected his body recovery. Without doubts, he nodded and walked out.

Once Haikuan left, Zhan stood alone in front of the glass window quietly, staring at his twin babies.
A figure slowly approached him and stopped in front of him, a sneer mixed in her voice, "Zhan, you are such a lucky dog."

Zhan turned his head to look at the soft face and said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

He did not forget that it was the woman in front of him who set up all kinds of tricks to slander him and ruined his image in Yibo's mind. And because of her, he almost got hit by a car.

What was more horrible was that this woman planned to rob his babies!

ChenXiao smiled slightly, her pair of beautiful eyes full of smugness, and she lift the shopping bag she carried in her hand to Zhan. The brand name on the bag almost flashed Zhan's eyes, "You think you're aggravated? The only reason why Yibo did not divorce you was your children, and as soon as you gave birth to them, Yibo immediately came back to me to comfort me. Whatever I wanted, he didn't even frown to buy for me."

She said with a mocking smile, "And you? I heard that you had an extremely dangerous delivery this time and almost died, but Yibo didn't even come to see you."

Being pouched at the raw nerve, Zhan bit his lip, his whole body stiffened as he stared at her. The pain coming from his internal organs hurt so much that he almost convulsed all over.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

ChenXiao looked at Zhan miserable face and smiled coldly, "You think I'm happy to see you? Yibo accompanied me shopping and went home to have a rest. He asked me to inform you that you should give up, sign the divorce documents and leave the children for me. After Yibo and I get married, I will love and care the two children for you."

She smiled languidly with the stance of a victor. She seemed certain that Zhan would definitely agree to the divorce.

Anger erupted from Zhan's eyes, he gritted his teeth as he looked at ChenXiao, "What do you guys take me for? We're not divorced yet. I'm his lawfully wedded wife! What the hell are you? I tell you I'd die before I'd give you the babies!"

ChenXiao did not expect Zhan to be so resolute, her face suddenly changed and she became annoyed, "Zhan, you are a bitch. Yibo had never loved you! You are brazen and tangling him! You're just a gambler's son and lucky to be adopted by my family. Now you still want to marry him like Cinderella? You should examine yourself in the mirror and have a look! Look carefully who you are!

"And I, I'm the Xiao family's honored lady, even if I use you, borrowing your belly to give birth to babies is your honor! You still wanna compete with me?"

Zhan's teeth clacked together, and he indignantly glared at him. Suddenly he sneered, "Even if we divorce, do you think Grandpa Qiren will accept you to marry Yibo? As long as my two children are with you, you will never be able to get rid of me. You are raising the children for me, and one day they will know the truth. You think they will still be at your mercy at that time?

"I'm telling you, as long as I'm alive, just give up your hope to marry Yibo by right and title, and you won't get a single share of his company!"



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