Chapter 24. You Didn't Deserve Him.

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Haikuan raised his eyes to look at him mockingly, "If I don't care about him, who will? Do you?

You have never had him in your heart, blinded by ChenXiao's deception, allowing ChenXiao to appear at the hospital and force him away. He has just given birth to the twins for you. For the first time since I was a child, I feel that I have misjudged you. You don't deserve his love for so many years!"

Yibo's body stiffened, the hidden anger on his face froze at the same time, and the only shock remained in his eyes, "What do you mean by forcing him away?"

Zanjin rose from the ground and stood in front of him to report what failed to say earlier, "News came from the hospital that Mrs Wang took away the daughter of the twins and their whereabouts are currently unknown..."

"Say it again, you fucking bastard!"

Yibo suddenly picked up a vase and threw it at Zanjin. Zanjin's head was hit hard and he was bleeding.

Yibo rushed to the front of Haikuan and gave him a punch, "He is mine!"

Haikuan almost fell down after being punched, and when he heard this sentence, his anger surged again, and he unceremoniously punched him back in the face, "You know it is urgent now? Where were you when he begged you over and over again to stay with him? You gave him all the pain, and now that he has been forced away by you, he will never come back, never! Are you satisfied?!"

"Liu Haikuan!"

Yibo gritted his teeth and viciously called out his name. The blood seeping out of the corners of his mouth made him look like a devil from hell at the moment, totally dreadful.

Haikuan was about to make a move. Zanjin hurriedly stepped forward to block in front of Yibo, who kicked him away. "Get away and use all the manpower to search in Beijing immediately!

Find Zhan!"

"No way!" Haikuan rushed forward to stop Zanjin, staring at Yibo viciously, "Do you know what mood he left with?! He told me not to look for him. He completely gives up in you. so don't bother him again!"

After he roared this sentence, he raised his hand and hit Yibo's chest again with a punch. 

Yibo was still in shock and he took a few steps back before he could stand firmly. Yibo vomited blood from his mouth and glared at Haikuan, who was declaring his position, "No matter what you do, I will definitely stop you. You can never hurt Zhan again!"

As soon as Haikuan left, Zanjin covered his chest and fought his way to the front of Yibo, whose eyes were bloody red. 

Yibo suddenly yelled out, "Go now!" 

Before Zanjin could answer, Yibo suddenly pushed him away again and rushed out towards the door.

Yibo sat in the sports car and the long fingers holding the steering wheel surprisingly trembled slightly. There was an indescribable fluster in his eyes.


Zhan, the damn man!

How dare he take my daughter and run away? If I caught him this time, I would strangle him to death! He completely gave up in me?

How dare he give up without my permission? 

No way! 

Yibo kicked down the accelerator, and the sports car rushed out of the hospital gate…


Study Room

Here came to the study of the Wang family mansion.

With a thick circle of gauze wrapped around his head, Zanjin stood by the door with a few bodyguards, bowing their heads in shock.


Violent noises kept coming from the room as one after another vase and furniture was smashed into pieces around their feet.

Yibo rushed over to grab a bodyguard, roaring hysterically, "What the hell are you still doing here? Go and find Zhan, or I'll shoot each and every one of you!"

"Yes, Mr. Wang!"

Several bodyguards left immediately.

Zanjin looked over. He had been with Mr. Yibo for so many years, but he had never seen him get so angry over a man. They had used all the manpower networks of the entire Beijing City to go out and search, and so far there had been no result at all.

It was as if Mr Zhan had evaporated from the earth, and took away the daughter of Mr. Yibo.

Mr. Yibo had always paid little attention to Mrs. Wang, and he wondered what bloody methods Mr. Yibo would use to punish him after catching him this time.

"Why are you still here? How can you fail to find a man with a child, punk!"

Zanjin trembled all over, quickly nodded, and stepped back. If he didn't leave, Mr. Yibo's anger would burn on him and it wouldn't be extinguished casually.

As soon as he left, Yibo kicked a cabinet down once again. He glared at the scattered divorce papers on the long table with his bloodshot eyes. The handwriting signed by Party B, Zhan, in ballpoint pen, scalded his eyes.

For the first time in his life, he was frustrated by someone. This someone was Zhan, whom he had hated most deeply the other day, and for the first time in his life, his pride was trampled on by a person so mercilessly!

Yibo was still sitting in his study from morning to evening when he suddenly received a call from Zanjin, "The car in that river outside the suburbs has been salvaged. The model and license plate number were found to be the one Miss ChenXiao just bought in a flagship store in the city a few days ago, exactly on the day of your accident. The hospital's destroyed surveillance records were all restored. After you were injured and sent to the hospital for resuscitation, Miss ChenXiao did go to the hospital to see Mrs. Wang and Mr. Haikuan was also there. We have caught Madam Xiao Jingtong but she said she knew nothing about her daughter's whereabouts..."

"Bring her to me and let out the news to let ChenXiao know that if she doesn't dare to show up, I'll shoot Xiao Jingtong first, and even more so, I'll bury the entire Xiao family with her!"

Yibo roared loudly, the veins on his forehead popping up.

His heart ached as if it was beaten with a hard punch.

ChenXiao didn't have time to catch the last flight to a foreign country tonight before she was brought back from the gate by Zanjin and the bodyguards.



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