Chapter 16. You Drugged Me

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The night was silent. Zhan was tossing about all the night without getting a wink to sleep. Holding his stomach, he was too uncomfortable to sleep the whole night.

His eyes were bleak as he got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. His phone suddenly rang with an alert that he had received a text message, Zhan tapped on it and the toothbrush in his hand fell into the pool with a BANG! It was from Yibo.

[7:00 p. m. at the Horizontal Hotel, Room 2501. Let's make it clear.]

At 7 p. m., he arrived at the Horizontal Hotel by taxi, alone. He found the Room 2501, and opened the door with the room card, only to see a scene that shocked him.

ChenXiao's eyes are dazed as she was pinned down by a man….

Zhan stood dumbfounded and his whole body as stiffed as an ice statue. Before he could react, a strong wind suddenly swept past his ears.

The half-closed door was suddenly kicked open.

Yibo rushed over and clutched the man off ChenXiao, using all his strength to punch him fiercely in the face before throwing him towards the ground. The atmosphere around him was depressing and his eyes was bloodshot.

ChenXiao was immersed in lovemaking and could not control herself. This time she was jolted awake by the huge movement, but her mind was still not clear. Dumbly watching Yibo's figure step to the bed, she found the man's eyes were full of disbelief and heartache. Yibo looked at her from above.

"Yibo......." ChenXiao looked at him dumbfounded, and then she turned to the other corner of the room, looking with dismay. At the corner, a man covered in blood was lying on his back. 

She was so frightened that she screamed out hysterically, "Ahhh.........."

She got up from the bed and tugged at Yibo's sleeve, desperately shaking her head with tears, "No, Yibo, no, listen to me. I don't know what is going on, I thought he was you…."

Yibo's whole body was trembling, and he quietly watched her crying. 

Suddenly, ChenXiao saw Zhan standing by the door, and instantly reached out her finger, shouting out in anger and despair, "Zhan! It's you! You deliberately played the cards, and you drugged me and called Yibo, are you happy now?"

Zhan's mind buzzed and he was confused.

Yibo's body stiffened for a moment, slowly turning his head to look at Zhan. 

ChenXiao's voice was full of despair, "You tricked me to here, saying that you want to talk to me properly and bury the hatchet, but you drugged my drink and found a man to insult me! I treat you as my brother, how can you do it to me?!"

Zhan stood stiffly as Yibo stepped in front of him and suddenly clutched his chin. 

Yibo gloomy face was instantly surging with anger, "Zhan!"

Zhan clenched his fists hard and struggled to say something,

"I didn't-"


Before he could finish his words, Yibo pushed him away with a fierce push. Zhan's head hit the door with a puffing sound, his eyes closed in pain, but no pain was worse than what his words hurt her. Dizzying, he could hardly see anything, only the pain was extremely real.

Zhan clenched his teeth, too painful to say even a word, and looked up at Yibo. 

He still didn't believe me.......

Yibo looked at him with shock and anger, not saying a word. 

While ChenXiao behind him was getting more and more delirious from the drugs and kept calling his name, "Yibo......."

Yibo immediately rushed to her and took her into his arms. Her face was bloody red, her hair was messy, and her whole body was sweating, as if a puddle of water was melting on her. She kept pulling at Yibo's lapel, "Yibo..…..... help me, I want you, I can't stand it, give me........"

Yibo's face sank. He pulled the bed sheet to wrap her body and picked her up. The bodyguard who came with him swept a glance at the man in the corner and asked, "Mr. Wang, this man......"

"Arrest him and interrogate with torture!"

Yibo carried ChenXiao step by step towards the door, and when he passed Zhan, he threw a warning look at him, as cold as an arrow, as if to pierce into his heart. 

Zhan desperately held onto the door frame to hold himself from falling down.

With a trembling voice, Zhan looked down at ChenXiao in his arms and asked, "Are you going to cure her by yourself?"

"She's been....... drugged, and you're going to help her yourself?"

Zhan remembered the night he bumped into ChenXiao and another man for a rendezvous. In addition, ChenXiao said Yibo had never sexed with her, so he was still willing to hold on to a silver lining. Zhan couldn't believe that Yibo didn't mind when he saw ChenXiao was fucking with another man.

Yibo glared at him angrily, "You're not qualified to ask!"

After he finished speaking, he directly bumped away from Zhan and paced away. Zhan touched his shoulder which was pained by his bump, gritted his teeth and followed him.



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