Chapter 10. Almost Miscarried

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Yibo's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly went forward to check, only to find there was blood on the hem of Zhan's cloth.

The blood spread out little by little, Zhan's face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, only the bitten lips were stained with blood, mixed with the tears on his face.

His stomach was so painful that Zhan only felt his brain was becoming more and more blurred with little consciousness, and with dizziness, he fainted and fell heavily onto the bed.


The next second, Yibo suddenly shouted, and directly. held him up from the bed and dashed to the door…


The sunlight spilled in from the window when Zhan woke up in a daze. There were two people sitting in front of him, the tall, handsome one with a gloomy face was his husband, and the worried one with a slight frown was his sister.

Even sitting in front of his bed, ChenXiao was still snuggled against Yibo's arms, which made him gnash teeth in hatred.

How could he have bled and almost miscarried last night if it wasn't for her? He took the grudge in heart.

Noticing that he was awake, ChenXiao hurriedly took up his hand that was draped over the side of the bed, her voice trembling, "Zhan, you're awake? I'm so worried."

"Worried about why my baby hasn't gone yet?"

Zhan coldly shook off her hand.

He was so weak that he didn't use much strength, but ChenXiao's body fell backwards weakly. It was caught by Yibo and she was held into his arms. 

Yibo glared coldly at Zhan and patted ChenXiao's shoulder lovingly, "Is everything alright?"

"It's okay, Zhan is just a little nervous about the baby. I'm Okay as long as he's fine.

"You are so disgusting, ChenXiao!"

"Even if I pushed you, do I have the strength now?" 

"That's enough!"

Yibo's face was cold and sullen as he shouted at Zhan, his tone was cold and heartless, "You almost miscarried because it was your own fault to run out after me. Don't blame others for your own mistake!"

ChenXiao came up and took up his hand again, "Zhan, you must protect the child in your belly, even if it is not for yourself, it's for Yibo. This is Yibo's flesh and blood, no matter what happens, the most important thing is to give birth to the child safely."

What did she mean 'not for himself?

This was his child. ChenXiao deliberately said this to make Yibo think that he was really low that he would pester him without considering the child.

Zhan was so angry that his hands trembled. ChenXiao held his wrist, her long fingertips stuck deeply into her clothes, a vicious light crossed her eyes and disappeared, "I'm your sister, even if you wronged me, I won't bother with you, and your health is the most important thing now."

Zhan stared at her with hatred. The memory of her poisonous words and he almost be raped last night imprinted on his mind. ChenXiao had a plan in her mind, but he couldn't tell what she was after. It was never as simple as just the status of Mrs. Wangs; otherwise she doesn't need to drug Yibo to have sex with him, causing the mess right now.

Hearing ChenXiao's concerned and pleading tone, Yibo's suppressed anger almost spurted out again, "Zhan, you vicious man, just because you're pregnant, ChenXiao tolerates you all the time. She's generous and does not blame you, but it doesn't mean I can tolerate you too."

The anger burned Zhan's senses out, "Yibo, look clearly, who is the truly vicious? I was following you last night, but I got lost. I saw her having sex with another man with my own eyes, and she was the one who asked that man to rape me. If I was to keep you, the baby was the only advantage I had. But you saved me yourself, and you knew how dangerous last night was!"

Zhan yelled, and the two people on the opposite side froze at the same time.

ChenXiao's face changed and she hastily pretended to cry and pulled Yibo's hand, "Yibo, I was waiting for you at the hotel last night, and didn't go anywhere. I called you, how could he catch me with someone else?"

Yibo held her tightly in his arms and comforted her softly, "I know, I believe you, don't be afraid."

In the next second, he glared at Zhan coldly, his tone was icy, "Zhan, do you know why I loathe you? You're already the Mrs. Wang's, and you're still trying to drive ChenXiao away from me and want to keep me at your side, you're dreaming! Even without ChenXiao, I will never fall in love with you. I will divorce you for sure!"

Zhan's chest ached as he gritted his teeth hard to keep the tears from falling out, "Don't even think about it! As long as I don't sign, I'll always be your wife, and I'd rather die than let you two getting married!"

Seeing Zhan agitated look, ChenXiao feigned to go forward to appease him. Zhan lifted the fruit basket ChenXiao brought on the table and threw it at them, "Go out! Don't ever let me see you again!"

ChenXiao was hit right on the stomach by an apple and she cried towards Yibo with tears, "Yibo, I obviously have a good intention..."

Yibo rubbed her stomach gently. He gazed at Zhan like a sharp sword. He suddenly sneered, and his tone was full of mockery and disgust, "Zhan, do you love me that much? So you want to remain as Mrs. Wang's? Well, I tell you, if you don't divorce me, I will hate you more and more, so go ahead and ruined yourself!"

Yibo slammed the door and left with ChenXiao in his arms, leaving Zhan on the hospital bed. His slender figure was shaking heavily as Yibo's cold voice kept echoing in his ears.

Even without ChenXiao, I would never fall in love with you!

Never fall in love with you!

Tears were dripping down his face,

Yibo, why, why are you so cruel to me?

Where was the boy who brought the only ray of sunlight in my life ten years ago?



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