Chapter 32. Come Forth.

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This mansion area was as large as several football fields putting together, and Zhan had walked so far that his feet were almost broken, but he was still not out yet.

A silver car drove slowly from outside the gates and stopped in front of him. The door opened and Sehun stepped down with a frown on his gentle and handsome face.

He walked over and took Zhan's hand in the direction of the car, "I've come to pick you up."

Sehun steps were hasty and he was walking faster and faster. Then he opened the car door for Zhan and pushed him straight into the car and set him down. 

Zhan held his big palm instead, "Sehun, what's wrong with you?"

After being together for three years, Zhan had never seen him like this; obviously he was worried about something.

Sehun turned to look at him with the corners of his eyes red, suddenly he squatted down and hugged Zhan's trembling body. 

His big palm stroked Zhan slightly messy hair, and his warm exhale sprayed into Zhan collar that was torn and messed up by Yibo, "I was waiting for you in the hotel but you didn't come back. I was really afraid that I was late…"

Zhan's eyes widened in surprise.

Coming late?

Was he afraid I would not be able to go back once I arrived here?

Zhan blinked his sore eyes, and both arms were about to reach up to caress Sehun broad back and comfort him. 

But suddenly, not far away, a black limousine rushed in their direction, without any intention of stopping. 

Zhan's face turned pale, his eyes widened in horror, and he quickly hugged Sehun, turned and pulled him into the car---


The front of the car came to a sharp stop only a centimeter away from Zhan, and the car body shook heavily. Yibo sat in the car with a gloomy face, glaring deadly at Zhan, who was standing motionless in front of the car, and his eyes covered with killing intent.

Zhan fell straight onto the ground in shock, and Sehun hurriedly went forward to hug him. 

Yibo watched as Zhan leaned into Sehun's arms weakly, and Sehun imprinted a kiss on Zhan forehead, "Little fool, I'm a man. How can I let you protect me?"

Yibo kicked the door open and stood in front of them, and he directly threw a lawyer's letter on the ground, "Zhan, A-yue is my daughter, and I will keep her with me!"

After finishing his sentence, Yibo returned to the car, closed the door with a slam and swaggered off.

The image of their embracing in the rearview mirror leaped to his eyes. It was the fourth time they'd cuddled in front of him!

He still stood on the balcony after shooing Zhan away and watched him walk out with feeble steps.

Watching Zhan crouch on the floor and cry, his helpless back made Yibo heart ached every minute, like a breath blocked in his chest.

He saw that the man showed up just in time to take Zhan away before him, and even dared to hug and kiss him in front of the Wang Family mansion!

And Zhan, this damned man, even risked his life to save him and block in front of my car. Did he really think I couldn't kill him cruelly?

I really wanted to kill them!

He dialed a number, "Immediately find out the identity of that man with Zhan!"

Zhan, if you had guts, I would get entangled with you for the rest of my life!

I would never let you go. You could never keep each other's company behind my back!

No way!


Instead of taking Zhan back to the hotel, Sehun drove into the city center and parked in front of a fancy apartment.

Zhan followed him into the penthouse at the top floor. Daisy was leading a few maids to clean the house, and their luggage was sorted and put into the room.

Sehun took Zhan hand and entered the room that was specially designed and decorated for him in a warm American style. 

With a warm gaze, Sehun helped Zhan sit down on the bed, turned over his palm that was badly bruised from the glass shards, and gently cleaned his wound.

Stimulated by the disinfectant, Zhan immediately drew a cold breath. 

Sehun frowned and stared at Zhan face in pain, "You shouldn't go to meet him alone in the future. He shouldn't make things difficult for you. I'm worried and heartbroken when you're like this."

Zhan's fingertips were numb due to pain. The more tender Sehun was with him, the more he tended to avoid his(Sehun) love. 

A man like me didn't deserve such infatuation from him.

"Sehun, I'm sorry..."

Beyond that, Zhan didn't know what he could say.

"To me, you're not Zhan but just Sean."

Faced with his dodge, Sehun frowned and said in a stubborn tone, "I'll wait for you, and one day you'll be just my Sean."

From the moment he eagerly rushed to the Wang Family mansion and saw the obvious pain on Zhan's face, the messy and untidy clothes as well as the wounds on his hands, Sehun decided that no matter what price he should pay, he would never let go of him again.


Yibo was true to his word. The evening news that night was about the Wang Family's great-granddaughter,

A-yue, who had been missing for three years, had finally been found. The whole Beijing City was racing to report the sensational news.

Zhan sat in front of the TV, staring at the screen with wide eyes as A-yue was held in Yibo's hand and walked down the stairs surrounded by a group of Wang Family's elders. She was in an expensive princess dress and wearing a diamond encrusted crystal crown on her head. She really looks like a princess.

A group of reporters couldn't wait to gather around and turn their microphones and spotlights on the man standing in front. Dressed in a black suit, his handsome and uninhibited eyes looked steadily at the camera for the interview.

"Mr. Yibo, there are rumors that Miss A-yue was taken away by her birth mother, Mr Zhan three years ago... Now that Miss A-yue has been found, may I ask where Mrs. Wang is?"

"Three years ago, the Xiao Family declined and Zhan disappeared for no reason. Rumor has it that the two of you have divorced three years ago. Do you have any plans to get back together?"

"Some say that Mr Zhan is now in Beijing but did not show up at today's press conference, and there are even rumors that Mr. Yibo has taken legal action to fight for Miss A-yue's custody. Is this a confirmation of the rumors about your divorce three years ago?"

Yibo directly grabbed a microphone, his wild and arrogant voice resounding in the scene, "No matter what the rumors are, in this world, there is no person that I can't get. Whatever belongs to me, no matter who takes it away, I will take it back. As for someone who acts recklessly and blindly and wants to fight with me, just come forth!"

After his words, there was an uproar.

Zhan's face grew paler, tears streaming down his face. Sehun held him at his side, a chill flaring up in his warm eyes.



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