Chapter 6. Sign It.

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The villa door was suddenly opened with a loud sound.

Yibo's figure approached him gradually with short and disheveled hair, and he glared at him condescendingly.

He smelled of alcohol, and Zhan subconsciously climbed up and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you?"

Yibo coldly looked at him hypocritical and anxious face, sneered, and suddenly threw a contract to his face, "Sign it!"

Zhan picked it up and took a look. It was a divorce agreement. Zhan's face went white and he asked with a gasp, "You want to divorce me now?"

Zhan fell on his knees at Yibo feet, reaching out his trembling hands to grasp the corner of Yibo trousers. "You promised me! My child has not yet born and could not be without a father, you promised!"

The corners of his lips slowly picked up a little, revealing a hideous smile as Yibo gritted his teeth and said, "I gave you a chance, Zhan, but you are so dirty and you can't live without a man?"

"ChenXiao set me up, I didn't mean it, why won't you listen to my explanation? How could you do this to me?"

Zhan's vision blurred as he looked at Yibo, whose face was as gloomy as a devil, Zhan heart was painful like a knife had cut it open.

Why, why wouldn't he believe me?

Zhan gritted his teeth and looked up with a light smile, which carried an air of desperation.

In Yibo eyes, I'm his biggest failure in his life, and I had been naive enough to think that as long as I stayed by his side in silence, one day he would remember what happened ten years ago and become the most gentle and excellent person I remembered in my memories. No matter how many women he had, I could forgive him.

But now, Yibo was forcing Zhan to divorce for her sister's sake. Now he couldn't feel the pain in his heart and he was already numb.

Yibo was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he had taken a good look at Zhan's face. Under the moonlight, Zhan eyes were filled with tears and his face was fair with a charming smile, which was actually extraordinarily charming and moving. It made him unable to move their eyes, 

but in the next second...

"Divorce? And then let ChenXiao be your wife? Yibo, even if I agree, grandfather will never agree. As long as I don't agree, ChenXiao will never be your wife officially!"

Yibo grabbed Zhan up from the ground, and his face was full of anger, just like a beast opening its bloody mouth to devour his heart little by little.

Yibo gritted his teeth and said word by word, "Don't threaten me with grandpa. This is the divorce agreement; you have to sign it without a choice. Sign it, get out, and never appear in front of me again!"

Zhan was viciously thrown to the ground. He watched him leave and his heart suddenly felt a sharp pain. He covered his chest and suddenly laughed, tears falling uncontrollably onto his face.

He abandoned me. For the sake of ChenXiao, he even abandoned the baby...

I had waited for him for ten years, ten years of infatuation, and since the beginning, I was the one who was guilty, and the entire thing was a joke?


Zhan didn't see Yibo again for a whole week.

Every day of the week, he received a signed copy of Yibo's divorce agreement, and he knew that Yibo already hated him to death.

All the servants in the villa were suddenly dismissed, and he was the only one left in the huge house. He waited at the door of the house every day, from morning to night. He had to get Yibo back, because his child couldn't be without a father!

I had experienced the life of being abandoned by my parents, and if it wasn't for Yibo, who had helped me to be adopted by the Xiao Family at that time, I might have starved to death on the streets, so I couldn't let my child face the same adversity as me.

Today was his birthday. Zhan was sitting on the sofa in the living room, burying his head into his knees, when the door was suddenly kicked open and Yibo walked in aggressively, holding a large bouquet of roses and a beautiful little gift box. He walked to the sofa and threw his things on the coffee table, tugging his tie as he headed up the stairs.

Zhan was startled by his sudden action, and when he saw a card with HAPPY BIRTHDAY stuck in the bouquet, his heart tightened abruptly and pounded violently.

This was...

Yibo turned back and coldly looked at the joyful expression on Zhan face and snorted, his voice was extremely disdainful, "Zhan, you're dreaming! It's ChenXiao's birthday.

Zhan was stunned. He smiled sadly after realizing the truth.

How could I forget that ChenXiao's birthday happened to be the same day as me.



Hii Friends, Hope u like it ...
In this Chapter I mostly write Zhan Pov....

Zhan is not fragile he know how to fight back. He only hope one day Yibo and his misunderstanding will be clear. I hope u can understand Zhan character.


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