Chapter 22. First Time Had Different Feelings

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The next day.

When Haikuan rushed to the hospital out of breath, Zhan was no longer visible in the ward. There was only a brown paper envelope on the bed. He opened it and found that it was a divorce agreement signed by him.

He subconsciously rushed to the nursery, but he was shocked on the spot. Zhan took away his daughter but left his son, and stuffed a letter in his crib.

Haikuan opened it to read the letter, and every word was like a needle sticking into his heart.

[My dear Son, Mommy has not had time to choose a name for you yet. You need to know that leaving you makes me more anguished than anyone else.

Your daddy has been waiting with great anticipation for the birth of you and your sister. Only if you are left, he will let go of me forever.

Forgive mommy for being so selfish. It is the best choice I can make.

You have to remember that mommy loves you and will always love you.]

There were still drops of haloed water on the letterhead. He could imagine how upset and heartbroken Zhan must be when he wrote it.

Haikuan squeezed the letter tightly in his hand, and his eyes were gradually filled with tears. He rushed out of the door and slammed his fist on the wall of the corridor.

He did not notice that a figure flashed out from the corner. Seeing this scene, a triumphant and cheerful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and then she turned and walked towards the hospital guard room.


In the private hospital near the Wang family mansion in Beijing, Yibo was lying on the hospital bed. His face was still handsome, except for a bandage circled on the corner of his forehead, and his face was a little pale.

Assistant Zanjin stood with Yibo's attending doctor, listening to his report on Yibo's injuries.

A few days ago, there were heavy rains in Beijing, accompanied by lightning and thunder. The Wang Group's construction site in the urban area failed to install lightning rods in time, and some workers were hit by lightning during the construction process.

They were sent to the hospital, but the rescue activities were ineffective and they died instantly.

The Wang Group had never had such kind of accident since it was founded. Yibo received the news that day and immediately rushed to the scene to check the situation.

But before he could reach the site, a red Mercedes-Benz sports car suddenly came around the corner of the highway at an alarming reckless speed. The woman pressed the accelerator down with all her strength and the engine made a humming noise on the highway.

The target of her head-on ramming was none other than Yibo in the black Bentley.

At that time, besides the treatment plan of the construction accident, Yibo's mind was full of the news he received from Zanjin just now that Zhan had given birth to his twins and they were all doing well.

The last sentence was printed in Yibo's mind. He was guarding the door of the operating room at that time. He threatened Doctor to save both mother and child. There were several reports from the operating room that Zhan's hemorrhage was critical. The operation lasted an entire night, and Yibo was frightened for a whole night. The next morning, he received the news from the construction site. Zanjin promised him that he would stay at the door all the way and once there were any updates, he would immediately let him know. Only then did Yibo leave in fear.

On the phone, he heard the doctor explaining the operation situation to Zanjin. He said that Zhan's will to survive was amazing, and with his own strength, he guarded his own life and the lives of the twins.

For the first time, he had a different feeling for Zhan.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't come to his sense until the red sports car crashed into his car and hit him.


There was a loud thud on the ground and his headstock hit the roadside fence directly. Yibo applied a sharp brake, and the car spun viciously in place. It finally stopped after a heavy shake.

Pain screamed through his body as a line of blood streamed out of the corner of his forehead. He opened his blood-dimmed eyes and happened to see a face half-covered by a mask in the red sports car across the street. Her gorgeous eyes dilated with determined fear on her face. She looked at him in horror. Only then did other pedestrians and cars along the highway reacted to this and ran to Yibo, shouting.

The woman hurriedly reversed the car and fled in panic.

The blood on the corner of his forehead dripped more and more as many people rushed over and pried open the car door to lift his body out, while others called for an ambulance.

When Zanjin rushed to the hospital, Yibo was still keeping his chin up. He lay on the cart and grabbed Zanjin's hand, telling him not to let Zhan know about it. Zhan just escaped from death and could not be hit anymore.

Zanjin nodded in a hurry, and only then did Yibo let go of him. A black mist filled his eyes, and he passed out completely.



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