Chapter 36. I Want You Back

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When Yibo woke up the next day. Zhan was not here anymore.

He remembered what happened yesterday night, Now he knew he can't control or force Zhan to be with him.

Zhan you will love me back one day.

You are mine and always be mine.

He asked someone to prepare a car, picked up the twins from his grandfather's house and drove them together to the fancy apartment building Sehun had rented for Zhan.


Zhan stood beside the floor-to-ceiling window and saw a row of black limousine parked downstairs. He knew who was coming.

However, he didn't want to escape this time.

Last night, when he ran out of Yibo' room, Zanjin caught up with him and told him that what happened to Sehun was arranged by Yibo's grandfather Qiren. Qiren had acted on his own and informed against Sehun, taking advantage of Qiren's relationship with Oh Steve.

When Yibo came to know about this, he attacked there. He knew that the O.H Group would take pity on their own blood, but they would never show mercy to others.

If Yibo wasn't there at the time, how could the OH Group have left Zhan without harm?

Besides, Zanjin also told him what happened after he left three years ago.

ChenXiao went so far to hit Yibo with her car and forced Zhan to leave, and Yibo had done a thorough investigation about ChenXiao. Yibo knew what she had been plotting behind his back for a long time, so he sold ChenXiao to Rouhan who had almost defiled her in the first place, and Mrs. Xiao was also sent abroad by him. The Xiao Family was driven out of Beijing City at that time and completely declined after that.

Yibo helped Zhan get rid of the bad reputation in the city and pushed everything back to ChenXiao, whose reputation was worse than Zhan's three years ago.

When Zhan heard the doorbell ringing, he wiped off his tears, turned around and opened the door.

The twins immediately threw themselves into his arms with excitement and said, "Mommy!"

Zhan hugged his daughter and kissed her passionately on her little cheek before releasing her, which made Ayuan standing beside really jealous. He pouted angrily, "Mom, you love my sister so much."

Zhan could not help but laugh when he heard what Ayuan said. He hugged Ayuan and kissed him on the face before releasing him.

However, a tall man came close and suddenly seized Ayuan's back collar and lifted him up.

Of course, he was Yibo. He glanced at Ayuan with a fierce expression and said, "You are a man. Do not learn from girls and become jealous. Stand aside!"

Ayuan dared not to disobey his father as always, as he had a really violent temper. He took the initiative to take his sister's hand and ran into the living room. He then began to watch TV with his sister.

Zhan glanced at Ayuan who was overly well-behaved and looked back at Yibo, whose expression was still gloomy.

Zhan said, "Actually, you don't need to bring them here if you want to see me."

Yibo was stunned for a moment and became even more angry. He said, "Who told you I wanted to see you? I have to take them here before they tear down grandpa's mansion."

Zhan felt so embarrassed that the corner of his mouth twitched. He looked down and went into the living room. Then, he asked, "What's up?"

Yibo' expression instantly turned angry and he said, viciously, "Can't I come to see you if I have nothing in my mind?"

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