Chapter 44. The End

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The limousine was parked at the harbor, where a huge yacht was parked there. When Zhan got out of the car, Yibo stepped forward, took Zhan's hand and embraced his shoulder. They slowly walked up to the yacht.

There was a big auction party going on here.

When Yibo appeared with Zhan in his arms and the twins held by Zanjin standing behind him, the celebrities and reporters who were drinking on the deck immediately came forward to greet them.

Everyone who saw Zhan was stunned with a sharp intake of breath and recovered quickly when they noticed the threat in Yibo's eyes. Then they continued to fawn over them without a break.

Zhan had attended all sorts of large and small dinner parties abroad for Sehun in the past three years, so he was used to it. He kept an indifferent expression and did not say a single word.

Zhan didn't know why Yibo brought him here.

The auction had actually been held a week ago, and this party was just held by the organizers to thank all the bidders, and it meant nothing to Zhan.

Yibo was surrounded by several famous entrepreneurs talking about business. Zhan felt so bored standing aside and was thinking of how to find an excuse to be with the twins who were brought to the lounge to play by Zanjin.

Then suddenly all the lights in the banquet hall were off, and the hall turned dark immediately.


After a commotion, the projector in the middle of the banquet hall suddenly lit up, and ChenXiao appeared on the screen holding a gun in her hand. She laughed and held the camera toward the twins tied together on the deck. She said, "Zhan, come to the deck alone now. Don't call the police; otherwise, you will see the consequences!"

The screen was suddenly turned off.

Zhan's face turned pale and he rushed straight to the deck without thinking. Yibo pulled him back. Zhan was so anxious and nervous that he could hardly walk, so Yibo helped him onto the deck.

His twins were tied to the railing. One end of the rope was in ChenXiao's hand, and she had a gun in the other hand.

Zhan almost fell onto the ground because his legs suddenly became weak.

"You're here."

ChenXiao looked at them coldly with a cruel smile.

"What the hell do you want? Let my babies go. They're so young. How can you do that?"

Zhan's whole body was shaking and he shouted out in a trembling voice.

"What do I want?" ChenXiao coldly laughed out, and the muzzle of her gun suddenly turned to Zhan. 

There was a horrific expression showing the killing intent on her face. "I want you dead! Zhan, you should have died three years ago. It was because of you that I was abandoned by Yibo, and that Xiao Family went bankrupt. You're just the son of a gambler. The Xiao Family has raised you for so many years and you even repaid us like that. Why don't you go to hell?"

"Damn you! If you say another single word, I'll kill you right now!"

Yibo glared at her and roared out. There was killing intent in his black eyes, "You planned everything and set me up. It's your fault. I should have killed you in the first place!"

"Yes..." ChenXiao smiled wryly, and there were tears in her eyes, "It's my fault, but who am I doing all this for? It's all for you, Yibo! I love you, but you ruin me. Do you know how Rouhan treats me even though I'm married him? I have to be raped every single day and night as long as he wants. I've been by your side for so long. How can you treat me like that?"

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