Chapter 29. I Don't Know You (edited)

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The Wang's Group's fleet marched slowly on the country road. Zanjin had dismissed the driver and drove the car carrying Yibo and Ayuan himself.

He took a glance at Yibo in the rearview mirror, who was wearing earphones in an unruly expression, listening to his assistant reporting from the headquarter some financial report and the progress of the project.

Zanjin hesitated for a while, then said, "Mr. Yibo, there is something I need to tell you."

"Go ahead!" Yibo glared at him impatiently. He just hated dilly-dallying.

Zanjin took a deep breath, and spilled out what he had been dithering as quickly as he could. "I saw Mrs. Wang when I was looking for Master Ayuan in the market."

"What?" Yibo leaned forward and grabbed Zanjin in the driver's seat.

Zanjin immediately lost control of the steering wheel and had to brake suddenly. With no time to react, the car behind crashed on, causing an accident on the road.

Ayuan hid in Yibo's arms in time, safe and sound. Meanwhile, Yibo still clung to Zanjin, eyes piercing him. "Who did you say you had seen?"

"Mrs Wang, Mr Zhan, Master Ayuan saw him clearly..." Zanjin stammered.

"Where is he now?"

"I have asked someone to follow him, and found that he drove into the largest old house in the village. I'll text you the address right away."

The next second, Yibo got out of the car and walked to the driver's seat. He grabbed Zanjin out of his seat, and then got into the car. He hugged Ayuan to the seat beside and buckled up, Yibo drove out of the fleet, turned back and sped forward.

Ayuan asked him with his big and round eyes, "Daddy, are we going to find mommy?"

Yibo drove on furiously, his eyes burning, "He's not going to escape from me this time!"

The extravagant car, which drove along rows of ranch houses, declared the dignity of its owner in a condescending way.

Most of the villagers, who had rarely seen such a luxurious car, paused their work to appreciate it in twos and threes. Seeing the car stop in front of Zhan's courtyard, they hissed as if they knew what would happen.


In the yard, Zhan was hanging the dress he had just changed for A-yue. Although Nanny Daisy was responsible for the housework, A-yue was so naughty that Daisy had to watch her all day. So, he washed and hung his daughter's clothes himself.

Yibo burst into the courtyard in rage and spotted Zhan, who was facing him sideways, totally unaware of what was happening.

Breeze brushed Zhan cheeks, blowing a strand of his hair up. His flawless face looked even more beautiful at this moment.

His look hadn't changed much in the past three years, but what the hell was he wearing? A cheap raggedy trousers with an apron?

He had the guts to run away, but couldn't he afford himself a better life?

Gritting his teeth, Yibo called out his name, stressing each syllable.


Hearing the low, harsh voice, Zhan dropped the clothes in his hands. Turning his head slowly in shock, he met the furious black eyes and his face got pale instantly.

Before he could escape, Yibo dashed to him, clutching his hand and pushing his body against the wall.

Yibo glared at him and said slowly, gritting his teeth, "I've finally found you. And this is how you treat my daughter? Living in this shitty hellhole, suffering with you, for three years?
Zhan, you got a lot of balls. This time, don't think I'll let you off the hook!"

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