Chapter 15. Overhear The Plot

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While lying in bed with his long eyelashes drooping and his big belly bulging, Zhan was unable to fall asleep, so he got up to take a glass of water downstairs.

There was a faint light on in the kitchen, and it seemed that someone was there, and the sound of rustling and talking reached Zhan's ears, making him startled on the steps and not daring to move.

Jingtong pulled ChenXiao and looked suspiciously at the darkened living room outside the kitchen before deliberately. lowering her voice and asking, "ChenXiao, what are you going to do next? Even if you want to marry into the Wang family, it's not going to be good if your infertility is found out by then!"

ChenXiao smiled coldly. "So, the twins in Zhan's belly, I must make sure he gives birth to them successfully, and then sweep him off the house when the time comes. His children will be mine, and I will raise them for him. The old man loves these two unborn grandchildren the most, and by then I will be able to get the shares of the Wang Group, and I won't have to worry for the rest of my life!"

Jingtong smiled conspiratorially at her words and nodded in agreement, "That damn boy Zhan, when he was first sent to Yibo, it was intended to get him out of the house after he got pregnant and then you took over the child he gave birth to and married into the Wang family. I never thought he would dare to run to the old man himself and asked to marry Yibo. If he isn't still useful now, I would have beaten this ungrateful bitch to death!"

Zhan fell on the steps and bit his hands tightly before he could hold back from making a sound.

He always thought ChenXiao was planning some kind of conspiracy, but he just couldn't find any evidence. He never thought she would be so vicious and plotted with Jingtong to steal his children and marry into the Wang family!

Zhan's chest burned with rage. He stood up from the stairs while his chest heaving with shock and anger, he turned and tiptoed up the stairs and hurried towards Yibo's room. He would die, but he would never let ChenXiao's plot succeed!

Zhan opened the door of the room in a panic and rushed to Yibo, who happened to come out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist. His body was lean and strong, the honey-colored skin on his chest was faintly glistening in the light. Zhan's face flushed immediately, and the words that should come out of his mouth suddenly faded in the corners of his mouth, and his whole body froze.

Yibo looked at Zhan flushed face and coldly swept him a glance, "Zhan, you're disgusting! Don't worry about it, I won't touch you!"

It was like a pot of ice water pouring down on his head, and Zhan resumed himself with a pale face. Zhan closed his reddened eyes and looked up at him with a frown, "I have something to talk to you. From the beginning, I told you the accident that night was set up by ChenXiao and Mom, you don't believe me. Just now, I eavesdropped they two plotting together. They want to wait for me to give birth to the babies, and force you to divorce me and take away my children so that she can get your grandfather's shares. You can't trust her anymore!"

Yibo snorted out directly, his cold gaze staring at him, "Zhan, you're delusional?

ChenXiao has been tolerant since you married me. I'm divorcing you for sure. After that I'll marry her and she'll bear my child. Don't think I'll come around just because you're carrying twins, delusional."

Zhan stood there with a pale face while looking at his eyes, which was as cold as ice, and struggled to speak, "I didn't lie to you, and you must believe me this time!"

"On what basis?"

Yibo looked at him coldly and spoke cruelly,

"ChenXiao is unable to conceive!"


Only after Zhan's words were yelled, ChenXiao suddenly appeared and trotted to Yibo's side.

She threw herself into his embrace with red eyes, crying pitifully and looking tearfully at Zhan, "Just now, Zhan asked me to talk in the kitchen and suddenly locked me in the kitchen and gagged me. Luckily, mom got up to pour water and saved me. Zhan, I treat you as my own brother sincerely, even if you betrayed me and married Yibo, I never blamed you. Yet you set me up again and again. How can you be so cruel?"

Zhan clenched his teeth tightly and stepped forward to glare at her angrily, "ChenXiao, you are a liar. Don't you get tired of acting when you do one thing in front of him and the opposite behind him?"

"That's enough!"

Yibo's face darkened and his eyes were tinged with frost, "Zhan, you are a vicious man. How far will you go before you stop? Get the hell out of here, and I don't want to see you!"

He clutched over Zhan's body and headed out of the room. After that, he closed the door with a bang, and Zhan was left alone outside the door, holding his stomach and shaking with tears dripping all over his face.

This was the second time he'd thrown me out of door, and he didn't believe me, not one bit.


Note: Zhan is not pathetic. He's not that type of character that run away, without solving the problem when he know someone else plot against him.


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