Chapter 5. Be Slandered

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After crying for a long time, Zhan firmly refused Haikuan's request to send him home and stayed outside alone for a long time before returning alone.

As soon as Zhan entered his home, ChenXiao's laughter came from the living room. Zhan looked at it and found Yibo was holding ChenXiao in his arms and whispered to her ear covered with long hair, teasing ChenXiao into blushing and shy laughter.

Zhan laughed coldly in his heart, and didn't even want to look at them for one more time. He walked straight upstairs until his figure disappeared at the stairway. He was able to feel a sharp gaze at his back, staring at him with chill.

A series of footsteps sounded behind him, and Zhan turned around to see ChenXiao's fake smile, and she almost didn't resist the urge to go up and slap her.

ChenXiao was quicker than Zhan, standing against the armrest. She dressed elegantly and serenely, looking at Zhan with a smirk, a clear mockery in her eyes.

Since she got into the Xiao family, ChenXiao always behaved in an elegant way when facing Zhan. A glimmer of gloom flickered across her face at this point, and ChenXiao asked softly, "Are you okay?" 

Zhan smiled.

Because of her, Zhan was successfully shaped into a ruthless man with a vicious heart and despicable means in Yibo's heart. 

In Yibo mind, Zhan had successfully used tricks to make love with Yibo and force him to marry him, and used his care for his child to anger ChenXiao.

"What the hell do you want?" 

ChenXiao slowly walked up to him and reached out her hand to touch his cheek, which was beaten swollen by Yibo yesterday. 

ChenXiao frowned slightly and said, "You're really pathetic."

Zhan's body stiffened, and the suppressed anger was instantly ignited. Hee slapped her hand away, "Are you satisfied? All of my sufferings are due to you. I don't understand, why do you have to drug me to have sex with Yibo if you want to be her wife? What did I do to piss you off? Do you really want to frame me even at the expense of your happiness?"

ChenXiao sneered and took a step forward, her nails poking to his face, "You really made a splash today, with Haikuan protecting you. Even if I really tried to frame you, so what? It's your fault. You would live a good life by simply giving birth to the child, but you insisted on marrying Yibo! Now even if you complain with him, do you think he will believe you?"

"I advise you, don't be shameless! Hurry up and divorce him. When you gave up the position of Mrs. Wang, the person he wants to marry is always me."

Zhan's face was instantly pale.

Without waiting for his response, ChenXiao suddenly grabbed his hair and pulled him forward fiercely, using all her strength to drag him to the entrance of the stairs. 

Zhan was caught off guard, screaming in pain and struggling desperately. Seeing that she was about to be dragged to the bottom of the stairs, he desperately grabbed the handrail and kicked at ChenXiao's knee hardly. 

ChenXiao released her in pain, letting out a miserable scream, her whole body falling down from the stairs, and she passed out.

Zhan was stunned, watching in dismay as she fell on the steps and rushed down to help her sit up.

"Zhan! What did you do to ChenXiao?"

Yibo screamed, rushed over from outside in a hurry, and immediately embraced ChenXiao.

"I didn't"


With a clear snap sound, Zhan was pushed by Yibo with great strength. He fell onto the vase beside the stairs and his forehead bumped onto the solid stairs. Zhan felt dizzy, with his eyes flashing with golden stars, he almost fainted.

It hurt…

"Zhan, you haven't remembered a single word I've said to you!" Yibo coldly stared at the delicate and thin figure on the ground, his words were as cold as ice, "If anything happens to ChenXiao, I'll kill you and make you suffer!"

Zhan swallowed a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth. It was ChenXiao who deliberately provoked him to see him pushing ChenXiao away. 

Zhan got angry, stood up on his feet and pushed ChenXiao's body hardly, "She's pretending, wake up, ChenXiao, wake up."

"Get out!" Yibo said coldly and kicked him away.

Zhan fell onto the ground again, his whole body was in great pain and his heart was dripping blood. He could only desperately shake his head and repeated over and over again, "I didn't..."

"Zhan, it's me who underestimated you, you are so ruthless. She is your sister, and I just took her to the hospital for a checkup. The doctor told me her body was weak. How can you push her downstairs? You are going to pay your price from today!"

Yibo said in a hideous way and disappeared from the door with ChenXiao in his arms.

Zhan leaned on the ground, his pale face covered with tears, his consciousness seemingly drained away as he closed his eyes and fainted.

When Zhan came to his senses, he was still lying on the cold ground, and his whole body hurt like it had been run over by a truck.



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