Chapter 14. Returning To The Xiao Family.

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Yibo arranged for ChenXiao to stay in the hospital to recuperate from her injuries.

Zhan took the initiative to apply to the hospital to be discharged and returned to the mansion after he knew it, as he didn't want to see their PDA as a reckless couple in love.

Two days later, ChenXiao was discharged from the hospital. She took the initiative to call Zhan and ask him to make a trip back to the Xiao family.

Zhan refused without thinking about it. He didn't have much affection for that family, but ChenXiao deliberately lowered her tone at the other end of the phone with obvious threat in her statement, "Your gambling addicted stepfather always visit the Xiao family over the years after you were adopted. If you don't come, I'll let him go find you personally!"

She hung up after finishing the sentence, and Zhan had a headache as soon as he remembered that horrible image of his living with gambling addicted stepfather before he was ten years old. After all, he decided to go to the appointment.

As soon as Zhan entered the Xiao family's front door, ChenXiao and her mother, Jingtong, had long been sitting in the living room waiting for him. And to Zhan's surprise, Yibo was sitting beside ChenXiao, looking at her with a tender face. He reached out to pull her hair behind her ears.

Zhan's feet froze, and his body felt cold to the bone like he had fallen into icy cold water.

When Yibo saw Zhan walk in, his handsome eyes. narrowed slightly, and he quickly returned to his usual coldness, not looking at him anymore.

The corners of Zhan's eyes ached, and he exhaled deeply several times to maintain his composure before slowly walking to the couch and sat down, looking to Jingtong, "Mom."

Jingtong coldly raised her eyes to look askance at him and sneered at him, "Zhan, although you married into the Wang family, you are still the son of the Xiao family after all. If I don't look for you, you don't care about the Xiao family anymore. Do you still have me and your sister in your eyes?"

A cold smile crossed Zhan's heart. He had been adopted by the Xiao family for ten years, for ten years he had suffered all the cold eyes and bullying from her and ChenXiao, and she now remembered that he was also a son of the Xiao family?

But his face remained calm as he spoke lightly and asked, "Is there something Mom wants from me?"

Jingtong's volume was suddenly raised, "Can't I see you if there's nothing?

Your sister heard that you are pregnant with twins, so she specially requested Yibo to let you return to the Xiao family and personally take care of you until you give birth. Your sister has good intentions, even if you do something wrong to her.......---" 

"Mom." ChenXiao reached out and interrupted her, while shaking her head to indicate that she should not say any more.

Only then did Jingtong withdraw her voice and looked at Zhan with hatred. She suddenly got up and called a few maids to clean up Zhan's room on the second floor.

The three of them were left in the large living room. Zhan stared down coldly at ChenXiao, as he was not stupid and would not easily believe ChenXiao was really as kind as Jingtong said...

Zhan was holding a mouthful of anger in his chest and was about to lash out when ChenXiao suddenly spoke up and interrupted him, "Zhan, I've prepared a lot of furniture you like for you. You can go up and take a look. If you need anything more, ask the maids to arrange for you."

ChenXiao finished her words, holding on to Yibo. She turned her head to cast a threatening look at him, and her red-painted lips were fluttering together as she wordlessly uttered a few words, "Your stepfather."

Zhan didn't want to leave the two of them alone, but he didn't want to watch their public display of affection again. The image made him feel like being killed a million times.

Zhan turned around and went up the stairs. Before he reached the corner, ChenXiao suddenly reached out and picked up an atlas on the coffee table and put it in front of Yibo. 

ChenXiao flipped through it one by one and asked in a soft voice, "Yibo, I heard that the Aegean Sea is a sacred place for lovers to get married. I've always love it, can you take me there later?"

Yibo didn't even look at the atlas and gave her a doting smile, "As long as you like, we can go anywhere."

ChenXiao smiled coquettishly, and took the initiative to lean into his arms, "My wedding dress must come from the handwriting of an internationally renowned first-class designer, because I want to be the most beautiful bride in the world on my wedding day, and then marry you."

Zhan shuddered while turning his head incredulously to look at them snuggled together, and froze directly in place and did not move for a while.

If it happened before, he would have rushed down and grabbed ChenXiao and scolded her angrily. However, he knew he would have fallen prey to ChenXiao's conspiracy, as he had been framed by ChenXiao. 

Yibo disgusted even more after each time and thought Zhan was a ruthless and jealous man, who was becoming more and more unbearable to him.

Now that Zhan knew everything, he would definitely not be foolish enough to fall for her tricks again. He told himself to endure the humiliation. As long as he gave birth to the babies, and he didn't get a divorce, there was no way ChenXiao would be with Yibo in her life time!

At dinner, Jingtong once again proposed to let Yibo stay overnight in the Xiao Residence, and surprisingly, Yibo did not object. So naturally, Zhan had to follow him and stay.

Although he had expected it, Yibo clearly opened his mouth and proposed to sleep in a separate room from Zhan, which still made Zhan's heart sour.

From the day he married into the Wang family, they had never shared a bed, and Zhan knew without a doubt he stayed with ChenXiao all the time.



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