Chapter 34. I Won't Let Anything Happen to You Even If I Die.

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After Sehun returned from the Wang Group, he secretly hid their whereabouts in Beijing from Zhan, and extra manpower was assigned to protect his residence and in London.

However, it turned out he was still wrong about Wang Yibo.

He and Zhan had just driven from the underground parking lot when a rush of footsteps sounded all around them and several columns of bodyguards in bulletproof suits rushed out from all direction of the parking lot and circled their sedan.

Zhan sat in the car and was stunned by what was in front of him, and he only saw a way out of the surrounding crowd.

A tall blond man walked out, his skin had the unique whiteness of Europeans. The witching features make him very handsome, with a feminine aura.

He stood in front of their car, the corners of his mouth curled slightly in a flirtatious arc, and said in English to Sehun, "My younger brother, it's been a long time."

For a moment, Zhan thought he had a hallucination. He was about to turn around to ask Sehun when he saw a serious expression on his(Sehun) warm face, staring deadly at the man outside the car.

When the man didn't hear a response, he looked coldly at Zhan and gave a whistle, "Is this the Chinese man. who made you entranced? Sehun, Lisa has been waiting for you until now."

Zhan's heart thumped as he looked at Sehun and asked him in an urgent tone, "What the hell is going on here?"

Sehun suddenly held Zhan's hand tightly, and his voice was still gentle but with a touch of stubbornness, "Sean, there are a lot of things I've hidden from you, and I'll explain all to you when I have the chance later. Now I just need a word from you. Will you come with me?"

Zhan's arch eyebrows knitted together, "What the hell are you talking about? Don't scare me."

 "Sean, I'm sorry. I want nothing but you." Having finished that sentence, Sehun suddenly started the car straight towards the person who was blocking in front of him. 

The man ceased his sinister smile and took a step back, raising his hand to command those bodyguards to aim the weapons in their hands at the car window and ready to press the trigger.

Zhan was so frightened that his face turned deadly white, but Sehun remained unmoved, "Sean, don't worry. I will not let anything happen to you even if I die."

He stomped on the accelerator, and rushed out,


The sound of gunfire continued to explode past their ears. Sehun pressed Zhan's head down hard, but there were still pieces of debris scratching Zhan face. Blood slowly dripped down along with the pain, and his ears began to tinkle because of the loud noise...

Sehun rushed the car out of the circle and continued forward without hesitation.

Zhan looked up in shock, only to find that his upper body was entirely red with blood and his face was pale.

How? He was so badly wounded!

Zhan was so anxious that tears were coming out of his eyes, but Sehun kept stepping on the accelerator and drove forward quickly, only to see a long column of convoys parked not far ahead. Countless bodyguards stood there with weapons in hand, waiting for them to fall into a snare.

The markings on those cars clearly belonged to the Wang Group.

The car braked to a halt in time not far from them, and the bodyguards quickly swarmed up to them.

Sehun slumped in his seat and once again clutched Zhan's hand tightly, smiling at him, "Sean, I love you."

Zhan was completely frozen.

"I've kept something from you. In fact, I am the illegitimate son of the OH Group in Europe. You have been in London so long that the name of this consortium should be familiar to you."

He said while covering his chest and coughing heavily, with blood all over his teeth, "I didn't mean to hide it from you. After I escaped from that home five years ago, I never thought of going back. But this time, I lost to Yibo."

Sehun looked out of the car window, and found a tall figure standing in front of the convoy. He stared at them with red eyes and the wind ruffled his short hair.

"They are here to take me back. Don't worry, I won't die. But before I leave, I want to tell you something. Do you remember a year ago I gave you an anonymous design assignment, to design an office for a Chinese CEO?"

"That person is Yibo."

 Zhan's eyes widened again and again, and tears just fell down suddenly.

A group of bodyguards suddenly rushed up from behind, and they quickly opened the car doors and pulled them out, separately.

Sehun was lifted onto a cart and an accompanying physician examined him, saying that he was shot in the chest and arm.

With a trembling hand, he reached out to Zhan, who cried to break free from the bodyguard's hold, rushed to him and held his hand.

"When... When I come back, I'll marry you. You come with me, and we'll go to a place where no one can find us. I, I'll protect you..."

Zhan's face was filled with tears, unable to say a single word, but he only nodded desperately, again and again.

Sehun was stunned, a touch of surprise came out of his dizzy eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a satisfied smile. He braced his strength to wrap his arms around Zhan's face and gave a kiss to his lips.

Time seemed to stand still.

Everyone was watching them kissing, including Yibo, who watched the scene with eyes wide open. His hands hanging at his side clenched into fists, veins standing out.

All of Zhan's tears dripped onto his face, and Sehun's hand, which was cupped on his(Zhan) face, slowly dropped down.

The sound of an ambulance came from far away, and someone came up and separated them abruptly. Sehun lay on a stretcher, eyes tightly closed. Finally, he was wheeled away, wearing a respirator.

Zhan collapsed to the ground, hands covering his face, crying bitterly...



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