Chapter 35. I'M Your Husband.

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Yibo took him away.

Yibo glared at him, scolded him, or even forcefully kissed him all the way, but Zhan kept silent, Zhan face was drained of all colour and animation.

When they returned to Yibo's mansion, he carried Zhan to his bedroom, pressing his shoulders against the wall to kiss him peremptorily. Zhan closed his mouth tightly and did not say a single word.

Upon seeing that, Yibo became furious and pinched Zhan chin hard with his fingers. He roared, "You love him so much, don't you?"

He loved him so much that he was dying after losing him.

Yibo gnashed his teeth bitterly, and forced him with an extremely dominant force.

But Zhan bit his lips so tightly that he could force himself not to make a single sound. He allowed Yibo to kissed him and bully him like an asshole.

There was no enjoyment, no resistance, and even no pain.

When Yibo saw Zhan numb expression, he could hardly breathe. Finally, he was frustrated and stopped kissing him, and released him.

Zhan was weak and limp and slumped to the ground with his whole body trembling. Tears were welling and falling consistently from his eyes.

Yibo kicked the wall at Zhan side hard before he glared down at him and roared loudly, "I warn you. If you dare to commit suicide, I will go to London and kill him!"

After the cold roaring, Yibo passed him and walked out.

A short while, there was a loud noise in the next room suddenly. Zanjin silently stood in the corner, watching Yibo smash everything in the room. The room was in chaos, but it did not work off his anger.

Yibo scolded and smashed. He asked a servant to open all the wine bottles on the wine cabinet, and took the bottles to pour the wine down his throat like crazy.

At first, Zanjin asked several bodyguards to stop Yibo because drinking too much would cause alcoholism. But Yibo hit anyone who came closer to him and threw them out.

Zanjin sighed and took a step back before trying to persuade him. He said, "Mr. Wang, why didn't you tell Mrs Wang about the second young master of OH Group? Why didn't you tell him that it was your grandfather who contacted O.H headquarters in New Zealand after knowing that? It was a misunderstanding, and Mrs Wang will surely understand if you tell him."

"Get out!"

Yibo roared, kicking over the sofa in front of him, "I don't need you to teach me what to do, do I?

I'll kick your ass if you continue."

Hearing that, Zanjin took another step back in a hurry.


Another vase was thrown out, and Yibo was sitting paralyzed on the bed. His short hair and shirt were rumpled. His hand with a wine bottle was cut badly by the broken bottle and blood was streaming down.

Zanjin checked his incised wound and then sent someone to bandage him immediately. When a bodyguard went to the side of the bed, Yibo took a bottle and smashed it directly onto the head of the bodyguard, who fell down and fainted.

Whoever approached him would be hit by Yibo.. Yibo continued to drink several bottles of wine and was so drunk that he began to talk nonsense.

"Zhan, damn you! You are so heartless!"

"You ran away with my daughter and hid her from me. You even stayed with a handsome man behind my back. You are so heartless!"


Zhan was tired of crying and slowly stood up holding onto the wall. Then he walked towards the next door.

There was broken glass and fainted bodyguards in the hallway. 

Was he crazy?

If he continued, how many more people would be hurt before he was satisfied?

Zanjin was standing still anxiously. Sweat was dripping down from his face. As soon as he saw Zhan coming out, he suddenly felt hopeful. When he was about to speak, Yibo roared again hysterically,

"Damn you, Zhan. What are you doing here? Get the hell out of here. I don't want to see you!"

Zhan got angry and turned to leave.

But Yibo suddenly rushed out from inside and clutched him. He said, "Zhan, don't you dare to leave me?"

Zhan felt extremely furious. He turned his head to glare at him with wrath, but when he saw his injured arm, he asked with concern, "What happened to your hand?"

Zanjin looked speechless and thought Zhan finally noticed his injury. He went up to help Zhan support the drunken Yibo to his bedroom and dressed his wounds.

At this time, Yibo was obedient. He sat on the bed with his bloodshot eyes staring at Zhan, when Zhan took care of his wounds. 

When Zhan stood up and turned to leave, Yibo picked up the medical kit and threw it at him back, "Go, just go! Go to New Zealand and stay with him! It's my rotten luck to marry you, a heartless man. Don't come back if you fucking leave!"

Zhan's hands were clenched tighter and tighter. He turned back, rushed to the bathroom and poured a basin of water. Then he carried it towards Yibo and poured it down on Yibo's head without saying a word.

Yibo' handsome face was instantly drenched, and all his clothes got wet. He growled at him, "Zhan, are you crazy?"

"So what?"

Zhan held the basin and replied coldly, 
"Exactly, I'm just crazy and fell in love with a scum like you. You are no big deal. Do not ask me to come and go. Who are you? Why do you care what I do?"

"I'm your husband!"

"Bah!" Zhan blows a raspberry loudly and said, "Who forced me to get a divorce three years ago? I've already divorced you, and don't make a fool of yourself!"

Yibo' eyes widened and he stood up. He said, "It was ChenXiao who deceived me, and I finally found out after you left. I held those who hurt you accountable and they paid their prices. Who the hell do you think I did all this for? Sehun had concealed his identity and lied to you for three years. I was married to you for less than a year before you left me. Zhan, how could you be so heartless to me?"

Zhan was stunned, "What? What did you say?" 

"What exactly do you want me to do?" Yibo stared at him and looked wretched. He said, "I have been living in guilt for you for the whole three years. It was so hard to find you. I've tried my best to ask you to come back. I've never been so attached to anyone. What else do you want me to do?"

Zhan looked at him in shock and tears flooded down his cheek suddenly. He could hardly believe any words that Yibo said.

Yibo suddenly hugged him fiercely, with his jaw resting on Zhan shoulder. There was a strong smell of alcohol. His arms circled around Zhan waist tightly. "You said you loved me. I don't want you to fall in love with anyone but me!"

What Yibo roared was incoherent, but his tone was so firm that no one could doubt him. 

Zhan reached out to cover his trembling lips as tears blurred his vision again.

Zhan broke away from his embrace and was about to leave. But his hand was clutched in his and he was pulled back by him.

"Zhan, I've torn the divorce agreement. As long as you come back, I will give you whatever you want. I'll never take our daughter or son from you again. I want you back..."

Seeing this, Zanjin standing beside bowed his head and walked out of the room. But when he was about to lock the door, Zhan gritted his teeth as he pushed away Yibo' hand and dashed out....



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