Chapter 12

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*Allison's POV*

The soft yet husky sound of Harry's deep singing voice welcomes me as I slowly begin to wake up.

 "Morning." he whispers and a soft kiss is pressed to my cheek. I can't help the smile that follows immedately after, his presence having an incredible affect on me.

 "Morning." I say back. I look at the clock and my eyes go wide. It's freaking five a.m.

 What kind of rubbish...

 "We have to shoot a music video today." he informs me."Would you like to come?" Considering I knew Harry way before he was famous, it' still very odd to hear him say things like that. In my mind, he's still just Harry, the boy who would stick straws up his nose and pretend he was a walrus every time we went to the mall just to embarass me.

I don't hesitate to agree considering I've been wondering how drastically Harry's life has changed since he became world famous.

"Well, we've got to be there by 5:45 so we can start shooting by 6. So, we'd better get up and start getting ready." he advises.

 We both get up and I take a quick shower, put on no make-up except for mascara, leave my hair in wet waves that pass my shoulders.  Harry takes a shower after me and puts his hair back in a gray beanie. He wears almost the same thing as me. A pair of gray sweats, and a simple white t-shirt, with a gray Jack Wills jacket. We stop on our way to the boys' hotel to get some Starbucks coffee so we can perk ourselves up a little.


"Hey Allison! We didn't know the friend that Harry was staying with was you. We were wondering if he was going to talk to you." Niall says. His Irish accent is so adorable and I find myself envying him. Harry obviously told them everything about our past together. Oddly enough, I thought I would kill Harry if he ever told anybody,instead I find it quite sweet and a bit touching how he never forgot me and at least he had someone there to talk to about his troubled past.

 "Hey Allison. How're you doing, love?" Louis asks.

 "Fantastic."I answer with a smile. Between hugs, we all discuss how busy the boys are and are going to be for the 'next couple centuries' accourding to Louis.

"Has Harry kissed you yet?" Louis bluntly asks and I feel my face flush with heat.

"Lou!" Liam hisses, shooting him a scolding look.

"Sorry, sorry." Louis retracts, a smile on his face. "I was just curious." he winks cheekly and all is forgiven. I've quickly come to learn that Louis says what's on his mind.

"Okay, we're here." Liam announces. We all hop out of the van and then head inside. Apparently, they're shooting a music video for their new single called 'Kiss You'. The song is undeniably catchy, and I find myself humming it as we enter the studio.

 "Alright, I've got to go, love. But, our stylist, Lou Teasdale, will be back there with you until we're done." Harry informs me. Panic surges through my system and Harry apparently catches on to my apprehensivness.

"You'll be alright. I promise." he rubs his hands up and down my arms. I sigh, slowly calming down.

 "Okay." I say and attempt a smile. He smiles back before pressing his lips to mine in a sweet, lingering kiss. His mouth tastes of peppermint due to the one he had just before we arrived here and I find that it's my new favorite flavor. Harry's lips mixed with a hint of peppermint is a little slice of heaven.

 Louis whistles. "Harry, no PDA." he teases. Harry smiles at me once more, kisses my cheek, and then he's off to do the shoot. I walk into a room marked 'Hair and Makeup', peeking my head inside before entering. A woman, medium height, with light blond hair is on the phone. By the terse tone of her voice, I can assume she's not very pleased.

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