Chapter 6

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I head back into my office and watch out the window as their van pulls away. I'm having mixed emotions and feelings. I feel excited, anxious, nervous, angry, scared, relieved. But then, there's this part of me that's impossible to explain. I feel like a piece of me was missing, and now I'm whole again.

"Okay Allison, it's time for us to go." Carol says as she walks into my office.

"Alright. Let me just grab my stuff and we can go."  After I grab all my stuff, Carol offers me a ride home, which I graciously accept.

"So, how did the interview with the boys go?" she asks, pulling onto the busy road filled with workers hurrying to get home.

"I'd say it went pretty well." I hope my expression is neutral.

"I know I'm older, and don't take this wrong, like I'm se pedophile or something but even I can't deny those guys are fit." she says and I can't help laughing along with her.

"I guess." I shrug, still laughing.

"If you could pick one to date, who would it be?" she asks.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask, suspicious. Carol shrugs, throwing her hands up in innocence as we stop at a stoplight.

"Nothing, nothing I swear. I guess it was just a waste of his time." she sighs. I am now all ears.

"A waste of who's time?"

"No one's. Forget I even said anything." she waves it off.

"Oh no. Now you have to tell me." she knows I hate it when she does this to me!

"Let's just'll be hearing from one of them." she mischeciously wiggles her eyebrows. I sigh in defeat. I can already tell I'm not getting any more info from Carol tonight. But what does she mean? Who was it? Ugh, this is too much stress in one day.

"I'll pick you up around seven, yeah?" she asks. We've made plans to go out to dinner and a movie.

"Yeah. See you then." I say and then head inside of my cozy apartment. I shower, get dressed, and do my hair and make-up quickly. I'm done getting ready, and a few minutes later, I hear Carol's car honk outside. I grab all of my stuff and head out the door, locking it behind me, her words from earlier still playing in my head.

"Um, can I have one large popcorn, a packet of skittles, and a large root-beer?" I ask the cashier.

"That'll be 13.79." she says and I hand her exact cash. Carol orders her candy and popcorn and then we head inside the theatre. We only have a little bit of the movie left when I get a text. Thank God it's on vibrate.

Harry: Hey Alli, what're you doing?

Me: I'm in the theatre with Carol.

Harry: Cool. Do you mind if I come over after you guys are done?

I think about this. Why not? YOLO right?

Me: Sure! :) You can come around ten.

Harry: Okay. See you then Allison ;)

I had to smile. Harry had always been good at making it hard for you to stay mad at him.


"Oh come on Alli Cat, I said I'm sorry." Harry apologised to me. He had accidently spilt water on me. Freezing cold ice water. I didn't say anything, just crossed my arms and and pouted. We were about fifeteen years old. I saw him get a mischievious look on his face. He took my hands in his and started singing.

"Isn't she lovely?

Isn't she wonderful?

Isn't she precious?

Less than one minute old

And I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love?"

Then he sang the second verse.

"Isn't she pretty

Truly the angel's best

Boy, I'm so happy

We have been heaven blessed

I can't believe what God has done

Through us he's given life to one

But isn't she lovely made from love?"

I couldn't help but smile at him. He had an amazing voice and he would always sing this song to me when I was upset or mad or worried. He looked at me with a hopeful smile. I rolled my eyes at him and playfully elbowed him in the ribs.

"You know I hate it when you do that to me." I teased him. He smiled brightly at me, dimples in full view, and then wrapped one arm around my waist. That day, we went to the aquarium.

*Flashback Over*

"Allison! The movie's over." I heard Carol say. Wait what? The movie's over?

"Oh uh, sorry. Are you ready to go to dinner?" I ask. The movie wasn't long. It's only eight thirty.

"Yeah. Are you sure you're okay?" she asks and I can hear her concern in her voice.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just have a lot on my mind I guess." I answer her.

"Okay." she says warily. We head off to the resuraunt and I order a massive dinner. I'm starved. Carol's used to seeing me eat like this. The first time, I'm not gonna lie, she looked a bit shocked, but she evetully got used to it.


"Okay well, I'll see you tomorrow at work." Carol says as she drops me off to my house. I need to hurry and get inside so I can kind of clean up a little before Harry comes over. Okay, I need to clean up a lot.

"Okay. Thanks Carol! Bye!" I call to her as I head inside the door. I quickly set down my stuff and start cleaning up. I clean the kitchen, the living room, the bathrooms, and my room, even though he won't even be stepping foot in there. I change into my pajamas and just in time. It's 9:50. Harry should be here in about ten mintues.

Sitting down on my couch, I let out a deep huff of breath. That was a lot of work. I'm able to sit down for five more minutes when the doorbell rings.

Ding dong

Ding dong

Ding dong

Ding dong

'Geez Haz,' I think to myself as I head to open the door. There he stands, his hair slightly windblown, his face a bit cheeky, an adorable lopsided smile seemingly permanetly etched onto his face, and there are pillows tucked underneath his arms.


I have nothing to say except, thank you so much for taking the time out to read and comment and vote on my story. Hopefully, one day it'll get more reads. Love you guys xx

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