Chapter 42

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*Harry's POV*

I push through the massive crowd, hurrying to get over to him. It's taking all I have not to yell at him right now. At least, not while we're in public.

He stands there in a black tux, a sly smirk on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here," I growl to him.

"Don't get your panties in a twist," he says sarcastically. "What's the problem anyway? I'm just here enjoying the uh...the scenery," he says. I know exactly what he means by 'scenery'.

"Just stay the hell away from her. Got it," I threaten him.

"Alright, alright. Don't get so uptight. Now go back to your girl before someone else takes her," he says and then walks away, laughing.

James Scott. He's no good, trust me. He and I used to be best mates until he screwed up big time and I had to bail him out of jail. We used to go out to the clubs every night, hook up with girls, drink, but that was the old me. I'm not that Harry anymore.

I make my way back to Allison who's thankfully still in the middle of the dance floor. She looks at me with a puzzled expression.

"Where did you go," she asks me. I try to soften my expression.

"It's nothing. Trust me, you'd be better off not knowing," I answer her. We dance for a little bit longer and then sit down at the tables decorated with red rose petals.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to the restroom," I tell Allison.


I walk through the throng of people, trying to find the bathroom.

*Allison's POV*

I'm sat at the table for probably five minutes when I start to wonder where Harry is. I mean, he's a guy and it does not take guys five minutes to pee.

I decide that he's probably stopping and talking to someone he knows, an old friend or someone, or he just got a bit lost on his way back. Suddenly, someone is whispering in my ear.

"Come outside. Or else you'll never see Harry again," they hiss in my ear. I'm frozen with fear. Something tells me this is not a trick or a joke. I don't recognise this voice. At all. So, I know it's not someone I know.

My breath quickens and he chuckles darkly in my ear. I can tell it's a guy but that's about it. I get up, shakily and the person takes my arm roughly and leads me outside the back door and into the dark alley that's behind the building. It doesn't seem as if something so dark and frightening could be behind something so beautiful like this building.

I barely have time to take in my surroundings when he presses me hardly up against the brick wall. His face is extremely close to mine. He breathes on me, his breath smelling of liquor.

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