Chapter 27

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"Alli. Alli Cat it's time to wake up. We've got an early flight to catch," Harry whispers sweetly in my ear and then kisses my neck. 

What time is it? I groan and then get up. I walk into the bathroom to take a shower, get dressed and do my hair and make-up. 

While I'm brushing my teeth, Niall bursts into the bathroom and quickly starts pulling down his pants. I cover my eyes. 

"God Niall! You could've warned me!" Soon, I can hear him zipping up his pants. I uncover my eyes and he smiles apologetically at me. 

"Sorry Als. I really had to go," he says and then leaves. I let out a huff of breath. I had come this close to seeing a part of Niall I really didn't need to see. 

I finish brushing my teeth and then exit the bathroom. Harry is a dressed and freshened up and ready to go. He smiles when he sees me and gives me a kiss on my temple. 

“You look gorgeous. Ready to go,” he asks. I nod my head. 

“Let me say bye to the boys first,” I say and then head into the Cinema Room where they’re all playing Mario Karts. 

“Bye guys. Harry and I are leaving,” I say. They all get up and hug me. 

“Bye Als. You guys have a good time,” Liam says. 

“Yeah. We’ll try to hold down the fort,” Niall jokes. 

“You AND Haz gone for a week?! I don’t think my heart can take it,” Louis jokes and then fake passes out. I just smile at him. 

“Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine. You guys just go have fun,” Zayn says. I smile at all of them, give them a one more hug and a kiss, (which makes them all blush furiously. Even  Louis) and then go back into the living room where Harry’s waiting. 

“Okay. I’m ready now,” I say and Harry and I head out of the door, get into the car, and start driving. Harry says that he has to stop by Lou’s to get something and then we’ll be on our way to the airport. 

*Fifteen Minutes Later*

“Ayyee. I no want you to go,” Lux says, crying. I pick her up in my arms and she wraps her arms around my neck. 

“It’s only for a little while Lux. We’ll take loads of pictures to show you when we get back. And as soon as we do, we’ll come see you,” I tell her. 

“You pwomise?”

“Mmmhmm. And, if you’re good, we’ll get you a special surprise from Hawaii. But you have to promise to be good,” I tell her. She smiles and sniffles. 

“I pwomise,” she says. 

“That’s my big girl. I love you very, very, very much Lux,” I say. 

“I wove you too Ayyee,” she says and then gives me a big hug. I give her a kiss on the cheek, tickle her stomach, and then set her down. 

“We’ll see you later. We’ll call you once we get there,” Harry says. 

“Okay. Drive safe you guys,” Lou says, holding Lux. 

Lux blows a kiss to me and I catch it and put it in my pocket. She smiles. 

Harry and I get back into the car and then start driving to the airport. He turns on the radio and ‘She Will Be Loved’ by Maroon 5 comes on. I love this song. 

Harry and I start belting out the song together. Not bad. After the song’s finished, we talk about a whole bunch of different things. 

The closer we get to the airport, the more nervous Harry seems to get. Maybe it’s just the thought of us flying or something. But, that makes no sense because Harry flies all the time and I’ve never seen him like this. 

I intertwine my fingers with his and give his hand a gentle and reassuring squeeze. He smiles back at me and seems to calm down a little bit. 

I have no idea why Harry could be so nervous. But, I hope it’s nothing too serious. No, if it were something really serious, Harry would tell me. He and the boys tell me everything. I mean literally everything. There’re no secrets at all when it comes to the boys and I. 

Until now. 

And to be honest, I’m kind of scared. What aren’t they telling me and...why aren’t they telling me it? 


Sorry! Another short chapter. I have homework and I just had to update at least one chapter tonight. I will try to finish my homework and update at least one more chapter before I have to go to bed tonight. Tanks! I love you guys!!! xx-Keke

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