Chapter 15

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"Hurry up Allison!" Harry yells from downstairs.

 "I'm coming!" I yell back down. "Geez." I mutter underneath my breath.

 This is not fair, as the boys are used to flying. As I've said, I've only flown twice. The first itme, I don't even remember, and the second time was when I was like thirteen so this entire expierence is extremely infuriating and frustrating as I try to finish stuffing the rest of my stuff into the last of my bags.

"You ready to go?" he asks, wrapping an arm around me.

"Yeah, I think I've got everything." I say, sighing. "I just need to get everything out of here and into the car."

"Here, I got it." he says, picking up the two heavy luggage bags like rag dolls. He chuckles, kissing my cheek. "Well don't look so surprised." he laughs and I smile.

"C'mon!" Liam yells. "Alli, Harry let's go!" Liam calls from the car outside. Aww, going all Daddy Direction on us. How cute. We haul the rest of the bags into the trunk and then get in the car and speed off so we can pick up Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor who are waiting for us at Starbucks.

I'm not going to lie, I am a little nervous to meet them.  I haven't met any of the other 1D girlfriends aside from Perrie and that was only because I did an interview with Little Mix. I have no doubt all the girls are absolutely lovely, otherwise they wouldn't be dating these boys. Still, butterflies flutter in my empty stomach, making me feel a little nauseous.

Once everyone gets all of their bags into the van and we double and then triple check that we've all got everything we'll need and we aren't leaving anything important behind, we finally head out. Harry and I sit all the way in the back, in our own private little corner where we can talk and cuddle away from listening ears and prying eyes.

He slips his fingers through mine, kissing the soft skin on the back of my hand before resting them on his thigh. 

"You okay?" he asks, concern evident in his eyes. I nod in response, fearing that my voice will betray me if I try to lie.

"No, something's definately wrong." he observes, eyebrows furrowing. "What's wrong? You can tell me anything." I sigh, looking down at our intwined hands.

"It''ll think I'm stupid." I laugh.

"No, I won't. Just tell me. C'mon, you know you can tell me anything." he smiles warmly at me, kissing our laced fingers. I smile.

"I'm just slightly nervous about meeting the other girls, that's all." I admit and he laughs lightly, shaking his head.

"They'll love you. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about, love." he lightly kisses my forehead, making me relax a considerable amount.

The greetings Liam, Zayn, and Louis all give their girlfriends when we finally arrive at Starbucks is something from out of a movie. Words can't explain the loving looks, sweet gestures, and happiness that radiate from the three pairs.

 "Alli and I are gonna go get something to eat right quick." Harry informs the group. "Anyone else want anything?"

"Ooh! I do!" a girl pipes up. She has long brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes matched with a friendly smile and fun personality. "I'm Eleanor." she greets, pulling me into a hug. "And I'm dating the flippy-haired fool trying to figure out the map over there." she inclines her head towards Louis, smiling.

"Hey, I heard that!" he exclaims, laughing.

"I'll have something as well, if you don't mind." a more quiet girl, but equally as flawless with wild, curly brown hair and gorgeous light brown skin speaks. She smiles warmly at me before embracing me in a hug. "I'm Danielle, Liam's girlfriend. You can call me Dani." 

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