Chapter 25

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I motion for Lux to stay quiet and she mimics me. I slowly start descending the stairs and I can hear them rummaging through the kitchen. If I can get to the front door without whoever this is noticing me, then I can call the police and Lux and I can make it out of here safely.

I start walking. I can hear the person coming from out of the kitchen and making a direct beeline for me. I start running. I'm almost to the front door when I trip over the rug and Lux falls out of my arms. I hit my head hard against the wooden floors. The last thing I remember is Lux screaming and then everything goes black.

*1 Day Later*

I wake up on the couch in the living room on the tour bus. The rest of the boys are asleep as well in here. Liam is on the bean bag, fast asleep. Zayn, Niall, and Louis are sleeping on a blow up mattress on the floor and snoring loudly. Harry's sleeping beside me on nothing but the floor and is covered up in a blanket.

I look at all of them and smile. I don't want to wake them up since I know they've had a pretty rough day. Or...wait a minute, what day is it?

I look at the calendar and clock that's hanging on the wall opposite me. It's almost 7:23 am and it's a full day later. The day after Valentine's Day.

I try sitting up quickly and instantly regret it. I hold my forehead in my hands and realise it has a sterile bandage on it.

"Darn it," I whisper to myself. Harry starts stirring and soon he's awake.

"Alli, are you okay? It's so good to see your eyes open again," he says, both relief and concern in his voice.

"I'm fine. Just a little dizzy. Nothing except my head hurts though," I say and then remember something. "How's Lux," I ask, concern evident in my voice.

"She's fine," he answers.

"What happened after know, passed out," I ask.

"Well, let's just say it's a good thing that Lou had forgotten her gift for the Valentine's Day party. She made it just in time. There was this guy who broke into the house. You fell and bumped your head. Lux is okay though," he explains.

"I'm glad she's okay. You can go back to sleep now. I'll be fine. I'm sorry I woke you up," I say, brushing back his hair with my hand. He lays back down and soon, he's snoring loudly.

I smile. I get up, slowly this time, making sure I don't awaken any of the boys. I search for my cell phone and find it sitting in the kitchen. I call Lou.

"Hey Hon, are you okay," she asks once she picks up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How's Lux," I ask.

"She's doing fine. She was kind of shaken up for a bit, but she's back to her normal self now."

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