Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning because of my alarm on my phone that blasts Ed Sheeran's song 'Give Me Love'. It's 7:00 in the morning. I have to wake up at this time every single day. Plus, I better be extra punctual because Carol will be looking for me. Hunting for me is more like it.

"Woo hoo. What should I wear for my special day with my special interview with One Direction today?" I sarcastically say. I know what I'll do. I'll keep my attention on everyone except for Harry. No, that would just draw attention to myself. Like I know him or something and I definitely don't want THAT to happen. I'll play it cool. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

"C'mon Allison. You can do this. Why the heck are you so nervous?" I scold myself.


"Why are you so nervous Alli Cat?" Harry asked me. I had just turned six and he was five, about to turn six. I was getting ready to go onstage to do my first ballet recital and I had the lead as Clara in The Nutcracker.

"That's easy for you to say Harry, you're used to being onstage." I remarked. And it was true, even as a kid, he was always performing.

"It's not so bad. I'll be right here. I'm not going to leave you. I promise." he said and then took my hand. We stayed like that until it was time for me to go onstage. And he was right there after it was over. In fact, instead of running into my mum or dad's arms first, he was the first one I ran too.

 *Flashback Over*

I mentally slap myself. Stop doing this! I have to keep my mind off of that boy, but, he keeps creeping his way into my mind. In fact, I spend probably more than half my time thinking about him, or the things we did as kids.

I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a red Jack Wills t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and a red pair of Toms. I style my hair like how I used to when I was a kid, a long braid down my back. I grab a couple of snicker doodle muffins, some apple juice, my sunglasses, keys, and purse, and head out the door.

 When I get to the building, it's chaos. There are people running around everywhere. This one girl has the nerve to stop me and ask whether I think Niall will prefer the chocolate chip or sugar cookies. Whichever one he is. I heard about him being the hungry one of the group, so honestly, I don't think the guy will give a shit as long as its food. I know I wouldn't.

 I put my stuff in my little cubicle of an office, sitting down and resting my head on my desk only to have Carol burst in as soon as I do.

 "There you are. Now, Joe had questions already written down, so here they are." she says and then throws the index cards on my desk. "And," she continues, "you're going to be doing the interview as soon as the photo shoot is done. The interview will be held in the conference room which has been re-decorated. Smile, be nice, and make sure the boys are able to connect with you. You're young, so you should all get on quite well." she says and then leaves my office.

Love you too, Carol. Like I've said before, she's amazing...when she's not working. When she is working, she's a huge pain in my ass. I have a couple of hours, so I decide to do a bit of snooping around. They're like completely re-doing the building all for these guys. It's never been this serious before. I walk into where the guys are going to be doing the photo shoot and I didn't realise they were already there. I'm about to walk away when Harry catches sight of me.

Shit. Too late now. So, I decide to introduce myself to them while they're getting they're makeup done. I put on a fake smile and head over to the four... I mean five boys.

"Hi. I'm Allison." I warmly greet myself and stick out my hand to one of them, who introduces themselves as Liam, and he shakes it with a warm smile back.

 The same goes for all the guys, the one named Niall kissing me on the cheek to which I begin to flush a deep red. When I get to Harry, he shakes my hand and I try my best to stop from smacking that adorable smile right off of his face. I see a flicker of recognition on his face as he looks at the bracelet and matching ring that I have on. He gave it to me as a fourteenth birthday present.


"Happy birthday Alli Cat." he said as he handed the box to me. He smiled at me, grinning really, as I open it.

 "Oh my gosh! Thank you Harry! You're the best!" I exclaimed and then gave him a warm smile. He embraced me in a warm hug. The ring and the bracelet really were beautiful. The ring had an airplane on it and the bracelet was a charm bracelet with tons of charms. He explained what every single one meant. They reminded us of memories we had spent together.

 For example, there was a four leaf clover because one time, when he was nervous for his first play, I found a four leaf clover and gave it to him. Then, for my first ballet recital, he gave me one. We kept them and in fact, i still have mine. There was one with the word 'Zoo' on it because that was our favourite place to go when we were little kids. There were fourteen of them, one for each of the years we'd been friends. The fourteenth one had the number '14' on it.

 *Flashback Over*

 I'm snap out of my reminiscing thoughts and realise that I'm still holding Harry's hand and he's staring absolutely gob smacked at me. I quickly let go, pushing the pesky strands of my hair behind my ear.

 "Um, I'm gonna be interviewing you guys today. So, when you're done with the shoot, just head back to the Conference room, someone will show you the way." I say, quickly recovering. They all give me smiles and then I excuse myself. Harry's still staring at me when I exit the room, my face turning a deep shade of crimson. But it's not with excitement, or embarrassment. It's with pure hatred and anger.

 I'm in my office, finishing some last minute touches on last weeks interview with Ed Sheeran, when Carol comes knocking on my door.

 "The boys are ready for you now." she says. I put on the best smile I can conjure up.

 "Okay. Thanks Carol."I say.

 "Look, sorry on having to be so hard on you. I just...can't loose this job. We'll go out somewhere after work, yeah?" she smiles apologetically. Good old Carol.

 "Sure." I answer. She gives me a bright smile and then walks away.

 I take a deep breath and head over to the Conference room. With the calm composure I'm able to conjure up out of no where, you'd have thought I was some sort of wizard. If only I could Apparate...

 I snap out of it and give all of my attention over to the boys.

 "Hi. Nice to meet you guys again." I say. And this time, they all give me hugs. Even Harry. It takes me by surprise that he still smells the same. Like peppermint with a hint of sweetness to it. I don't even know how to describe it. Sitting down, I prepare myself for the next hour and fifteen minutes. This is sure to be a very interesting interview.

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