Chapter 23

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If you have any suggestions or questions or just want to talk, tweet me at @infinity_nbeyon on Twitter. I love you guys! ❤

•1 Year Later•

@Harry_Styles Happy two year anniversary and Happy Valentine's Day to my best friend and wonderful girlfriend, @Allison_Rose. I love you with all my heart Alli Cat! Love-Hazza

I look at the tweet on my phone as soon as I wake up that morning. It's officially been two years since Harry and I became a couple and it's been 21 years since we first became friends. God, how time flies.

@Allison_Rose Happy two year anniversary and Happy Valentine's Day to my best friend forever and amazing boyfriend, @Harry_Styles. I love you too Hazza Bear!

After Harry and I lost Anna-Sophia, Management surprisingly allowed me to go on tour with the boys. I quit my job at Seventeen Magazine, packed up a few of my things, and left with the only people that could possibly make me feel better in that dark time of my life.  We're on the tour bus right now and I just woke up. Harry and the rest of the boys had to go to an interview and they didn't want to wake me up. Good choice.

I get up and instantly see that the bus is absolutely disgusting. I'm not a maid and I'm not a clean freak, but I don't understand how they can live in a bus that's basically just a massive pile of rubbish.

There are empty pizza boxes, candy wrappers, socks, shoes, empty things from eating Chinese food last night, I mean, even pigs aren't meant to live in this.

I have nothing better to do, so I blast some music on Pandora so I can hear it throughout the entire house, and start cleaning.

It's actually not bad. I'm getting a little peace and quiet since the guys left but I'm also having a bit of fun just being able to dance around and stuff.

My phone starts to ring. I see the caller ID, smile and then pick it up.

"Hey Eleanor, what's up," I say.

"Hey Alli! I was just checking up on you. How've you been, love," she asks.

"I've been great. Cleaning up the bus because it's absolutely filthy," I say.

"Yeah, it can get like that. A lot. Oh, by the way, congratulations on making it two years with you and Harry. I'm so happy for you guys," she says.

"Thanks El," I say. We talk for a little bit longer and then she says she has to go.

"Okay. I'll call you later. Take care," she says.

"Thanks, El. I will," I say and then we hang up.

I've cleaned the entire bus. It took a long time, but it was worth it. It actually looks like humans could live in it now.

I sit and watch T.V but easily get bored and lonely. I don't like being by myself for long periods of time. I check the clock. The boys should be doing their interview in about five minutes.

I turn it to the channel and the announcer says, "Don't flip the channel because coming up next is our very special guests, One Direction!"

After a couple of commercials, the show comes back on.

"Now, I'm very excited to be introducing our next guests. These five handsome young lads come from both England and Ireland and have two number one albums, three platinum albums, and over one million CDs sold worldwide. And now, Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry. Ladies and gentlemen please give a warm welcome to One Direction!"

The boys come out, shake a couple hands, and exchange a few kisses on the cheek and then sit down.

"Well boys, thank you for being here," the talk show hostess says.

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