*Author's Note*

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HELLO TO MY AWESOME READERS!!! So, I don't know if anyone's going to read this, but if you are, here's some pretty important info. I've been updating a lot...like 2-4 chapters a day because I love updating for you guys!

But, i wont be updating until i get at least 3 comments and 5 votes on my last chapter. I probably should've started this ages ago.

I've been getting loads of reads which is amazing and i thank you guys soooo much for reading my story:) but, comments and votes can change my day. When I see someone voted I get all happy inside and a massive smile breaks across my face. And when I get just one comment, my day is like complete because someone took the time to actually comment on my story.

I'm so happy that you guys have gotten me to over 3,800 reads, but i'm asking something so small of you in return.

And if i get more than what i ask for in votes and comments, i'll update really long chapters.

And thank you to @ZAYN4EVA and the other people who have been voting on like every single chapter (you know who you are) i will be following you guys because your votes make me smile:) it completely changes my day and I thank you for that.

So, if you've read all the way down to here, thank you. :)

I love you guys so much!!!!!!! Vote and comment please!! Its so easy to do.

Again, I love you! Tanks for everything:) xx-Keke

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