Chapter 50

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*Niall's POV*

After Allison walks up the stairs and I'm pretty sure she's out of hearing distance, I let a single tear escape my eyes. That's it. No crying. 

I have to get out of here though. Just...get away for a little bit. I grab some car keys and go get into the car. I take one last look at Alli and Harry's house, saying goodbye, and then drive off. 

I don't know where I'm' going, but anywhere is better than here. 

*Allison's POV*

I take a deep breath and then knock on the door, even though it's our room and we share it. 

"Come in," I hear him say. I peek my head in and see that he's sitting on the bed, on his laptop. I walk in almost sheepishly. I feel extremely guilty. 

"Uhm, Harry can I talk to you for just a second," I ask. He can tell I'm really nervous and pats the seat next to him and smiles at me. 

"Sure," he says. I sit down next to him and let out a huff of breath. 

"Harry...I'm so sorry," I say. He looks at me. 

"No it's okay. I deserve it," he says. I look at him like he's got four heads. 

"Wait, what," I say. 

"I deserve it. This is what I get for having left you all those years ago. Because of me, you were hurt. And now you hurt me so it's even," he says. 

I stand up, upset that he's thinking this way. 

"What? Is that really why you thought I did that? Is that really how you feel," I ask him. 

"Allison, trust me, it's alright," he says. 

"But it's not Harry! It's not okay. I hurt you more than you hurt me. You didn't deserve what I did to you. Besides, I forgave you for what you did to me ages ago," I say. 

"It doesn't matter now because it's over with. It's done and I'm not mad at you for doing this to me. Like I said, we're even," he says. I go back over and sit on the bed next to him. 

"Harry...are you thick headed or what? What do I have to do to prove to you that I didn't do that to get back at you," I say softly to him. He doesn't respond, just looks at me with those green eyes of his that have a sad look in them. 

I slowly lean forward and kiss him. He responds immediately by pressing his lips against mine roughly. Before I know it, I'm laying down on the bed, him on top of me. 

I break away from our kiss. "Do you believe me now," I ask him. 

"Well...I don't know. I'm not one hundred percent convinced. What are you willing to do," he teases me. 

"Anything," I say. And I mean it. I'd do absolutely anything to stop him from hurting. 

"Anything?" I nod my head. 

He bites his lip and then looks at me through his eyelashes. I know exactly what he's about to do. 

He slowly inches my shirt up and over my head and then presses his lips to mine.  I know this'll sound horrible, but Niall was the last thing on my mind at this moment. 

Harry's still kissing me when I feel his fingers go to the waist band of my pants. I pull away from our kiss and place my hand on top of his to stop him. 

"You promised," he whispers. I don't know how to respond. I just stare at him. Harry doesn't usually pressure me. And...I did promise him. 

To distract him, I press my lips to his but it doesn't work. He locks both of my wrists in his inescapable grasp and raises them over my head. Making it almost impossible for me to move. With my hands unable to move, he finally gets what he wants. He tosses my pants over on the floor somewhere and then resorts to leaving a trail of slow kisses from my forehead all the way down my neck, down my stomach, and then down my leg and then his lips find their way back to mine. 

I tangle my fingers in  his already messy, curly hair and he clings his body to mine. Whereas before he was furiously kissing me, it's slower, sweeter now. I can tell he's missed this. He's missed me. I've missed him too and it definitely shows. 

Harry nibbles at the skin on my neck and then kisses it gently repeatedly. His lips feel warm against my skin and I shiver runs through my entire body. I get chill bumps all over. Harry chuckles darkly. 

"I love you Alli Cat," he whispers in my ear. 

"I love you too Hazza Bear," I whisper back. 

Maybe if Niall had told me sooner that he loved me, we would be together. Maybe if Harry and I weren't engaged and have a baby together, Niall would be in Harry's place. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Now, I understand Niall's words. We lived, for a moment, in the world that could've been, but never will be. 

*The Next Morning*

I wake up and Harry's still sleeping soundly. I get up, put a pair of sweats and one of Harry's t-shirts on, and then go check on Brooklyn. She's still sleeping. I swear, she's like a photocopy of Harry if he were a girl. She looks more and more like him every day. I give her a kiss on the cheek and then head into the room Niall is staying in. 

I knock on the door and he doesn't tell me to come in. I don't hear anything. It's dead silent in that room. Not his usual snoring, nothing. 

I find that the door is unlocked and I peep my head in. He's not in there. The room is still a mess but I don't care. He has the privilege to mess up this entire house if he wants to now. 

I go downstairs, expecting to see him in the kitchen, making tea. I find nothing but a note. 

'Allison, I know you'll be the first one to find this note. I left. Not for good...just for a little while. I promise I'm okay. I just need to get away for  a little while. Please know that I'm so sorry for everything I've done and none of this is you're fault. Don't go doing anything rash. I love you. Forever yours, Your Little Irish Leprechaun (aka Nialler)'


Last update of the night. xx Love you guysssss. xx-Keke

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