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I walk down the driveway towards Kenny who is also walking towards me. He's wearing a short sleeves, black button up shirt with chinos and black vans- not too shabby hey? I meet up with him and his eyes widen.

"Hey" I smile.

"Wow, you sure know how to scrub up well"

"Why thank you" I laugh

"So what's all this for?" He smiles as if nothing bad has happened between us.

"There's a party tonight" I state

"Wanna be my date?" He smirks "I mean look at you" He laughs.

"I thought you'd never ask" I giggle. "But before that, I really do wanna apologise. I was a complete psyco bitch to you when you really didn't deserve it. I just get so caught up in my feelings that I don't think about anyone else and it sucks because I end up loosing people that I really care about over some tiny irrelevant thing."

"It's fine. I can see why you got mad; I should have kept my mouth shut as soon as I found out"

"It's not your fault. You reacted the best from it actually. Everyone at school heard the rumour and hated me- they were either jealous or thought I was lying. I couldn't even tell my best friends it happened. I can't even look him in the eye without knowing what he did. I should have reported it. It should always be reported."

"Don't blame yourself for something some prick did. It wasn't your fault."

"I guess so. I don't exactly help myself do I?"

"What to you mean?" He asks, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"The way I dress, the way I act. Jack's always telling me not to do those things- to be myself but I just can't do it. I have a reputation to uphold."

"Not here you don't." He mutters "When I first met you I didn't even look at what you were wearing or how you acted towards me. I got lost in your eyes- that's the most impressive thing about you. Not anything that you've sculpted to perfection; your eyes."

"No one ever pays attention to my eyes" I mumble. Jack does.

"Well they should because frankly, they're the dopest I've ever seen. What colour even are they? Like bluey grey with orange circling your pupils. Damn"

"Kenny-" I start

"I really do think you're pretty amazing you know" he smiles- it's contagious- I quickly find myself beaming at him. How to I tell him about Jack?

"Kenny, I have to tell you something"

"Is it about you and Jack?" He asks

"How did you-?"

"Jack called me. He begged me not to do anything with you tonight, at the party"

"What the hell? He thinks he can just run my entire life."

"Well he is your boyfriend right?"

"What? No way! Jack and I are just friends- sure we like each other and we hooked up once but that's all it will ever be" I say uneasily.

"You don't seem so sure about that"

"Well I am" I say holding my ground.

"Glad to hear it" he winks. "Do you wanna go grab a bite to eat at that diner on the beach? Fries and a vanilla milkshake right?"

"Yeah" I say slowly, surprised that he was even paying attention to me after I was so rude to him.

"Don't worry, I felt like a total 7th wheel too" he laughs holding his hand out. I take it and we begin to walk towards the beach.

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