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I open my eyes to be dazzled by sunlight. I stretch out, accidentally punching someone in the face. I sit up. Where am I? I look to my right to see Jack fast asleep next to me. What time is it? How did I get here? I slide out of the bed and quickly dash across the living room and into my room. I change into Ellie's bright pink bikini again and throw on Jack's striped sweatshirt from the other night. I tie my hair up and make my way down to the kitchen.

Growing up with two older sisters does have its benefits. I grab a slice of bread and a big glass of water. At least I know how to cure a hangover. I dunk the bread into the water and eat it. It sounds gross but apparently it works, this is the first time I've tried it so I'm not sure if Tilly and Violet were playing with me or not.

"Morning!" Katherine's voice booms through the lower level of the house. She's dressing in athletic clothing and is coming out of the gym room. I flinch slightly at the sudden loud noise as she walks over to me.

"Hungover?" She asks sweetly. I groan. I didn't want her to see my like this. "Let me make you my special hangover cure. It works every time" What? No lecture? I was at least expecting a lecture.

"Thank you" I smile as I watch her throw a mix of ingredients into the blender on the counter.

"You may want to cover your ears for this" she beams. I do as she says as she pushes the button, beginning the deafening whir of the blender. Once it's finished, she pours the entire contents into a glass and places it in front of me. "It tastes kind of gross but trust me, it works. This recipe got me through many early mornings in Uni" I nod in response and begin to drink the green sludge. She wasn't kidding- this is vile. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I say between gulps.

"That girl that Jack was with last night. T I think she called herself" She says. I roll my eyes at the thought of her and Jack.


"Her and Jack didn't..? You know?"

"Oh god no" I laugh. She lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh good. I didn't know if I could go in there this morning. I didn't want to intrude if he had company."
Do I tell her about what I remember of this morning? No, there's no point considering I can't give the full explanation.

"It probably would have been fine anyway" I smile. Remind me not to spend the night in Jack's bed again. No matter how drunk I am.

"Well the whole family is going to a waterpark today" She smiles changing the subject. "Plus Sam. I see you're already dressed for it" she smiles.

"Maybe I'm psychic" I laugh.

"We're leaving in 20 minutes. Would you help me wake everyone up? David's in the gym still" She explains.

"Sure!" I say standing up. I'm suddenly a lot better now. That green stuff is magical. "I'll get Molly and Sam. Why don't you get Jack and Laura?" I respond. She nods and we both walk upstairs. I knock lightly on Sam's door- I know they'll both be in there. I went in our room earlier and she wasn't there.

A few seconds later a fully dressed Sam Wilkinson appears at the door.

"Yo" He smiles. There's no hint of him being hung over at all.

"Hi. Everyone's going to the waterpark today and we're leaving in 15" I state.

"Okay, cool" He smiles. "I'll wake Molly up then"

"Thanks" I manage to say before he shuts the door in my face. Charming.

"Ind" I hear behind me. I turn to see Jack looking at me. I don't know how to act around him anymore.

"Hi" I smile meekly. I look to the ground at my feet.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Yeah. I woke up and you weren't there"

"Yeah sorry about that. Thanks for taking care of me, I can't remember anything from last night" I look up at him.

"Nothing at all?" He asks.

"Nope" I shrug. "All I remember is waking up and punching you in the face"

"Ah right. I wondered why my cheek hurt" He tries to laugh.

"Sorry about that too"

"It's okay" he smiles. We stand in an awkward silence for a while before he breaks again. "So a waterpark? That should be fun"

"Yeah" I respond awkwardly.

"Remember when we made that giant slip and slide? Mom gave us that huge lecture afterwards."

"Yeah, I was talking to Molly about that a few weeks ago"

"Cool" He replies. Why are things so awkward between us? Did something happen last night that I can't remember? "Are you sure you're alright? You aren't hurt or anything?"

"I'm fine. Why would I be hurt?"

"Nothing, just something I imagined." He smiles quickly. "I have to give these trunks to Sam. He wants to borrow them" Sounds like me and Molly. He leans forward towards me, breathing on me slightly. There's not a trace of alcohol on his breath. My mind flashes back to last night where he had me pinned against the wall. 'Just like you used me!' Is all I remember. What happened last night? He continues to lean for the doorknob, I slide out of the way, past him and into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror before brushing my teeth vigorously. I stare again. Jack's right- I don't need all this crap on my face to feel beautiful. I don't need to act like something I'm not. I'm tired of pretending to be the popular girl that we all know I'm not. I'm tired of using my fake smile instead of my real smile. I'm bored of playing games with everyone. I'm bored of being this Indigo- the one I no longer like. I'm changing myself. Starting today. I like Jack. A lot. Im not letting him slip through my fingers like this.

Operation get Jack back is ago.

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