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We make our way inside to see Kenny, Nate and Laura already sat at a booth big enough for 8 people. Kenny is on one side and Nate and Laura sit opposite him. We walk over and Molly and Sam sit down next Nate and Laura, Jack slides in next to Kenny and I sit down next to him.

"Indigo, I wanna say that I'm really sorry about last night" Nate says breaking the rather awkward silence. Forgive and forget Indigo. Just be friendly for the next two weeks.

"It's fine, you didn't know" I smile


"Yeah" I reply.

"I'm sorry too" Sam speaks up

"It's fine"

"Okay, cool so what are we gonna order?" He says lightening the mood. I pick up my menu and scan over it.

"I think I'm just going to get some fries and a milkshake" I say polietly. The others tell him what they want and he goes up to the counter to order.

"You alright?" Jack says quietly to me.

"Yeah why?"

"You normally eat loads"

"I'm just not very hungry" I shrug.

"Okay" He says sliding his hands off the table and into his lap. I reach over and take one of his hands, squeezing it slightly. No one can see us so there's no danger. He looks at me and smiles. We sit and wait for our food to come.

"So we're having a little campfire type thing on my bit of the beach later tonight" Nate staes "Do you two wanna come?" He asks me and Jack. Jack looks at me and shrugs.

"Sure" I tell him on behalf of both of us. Jack tightens his grip on my hand as Sam sits down, kissing Molly on the cheek in the process. I can tell he doesn't like the situation between his sisters and his new friends. Jack doesn't say anything about it though. He takes out his wallet and hands over enough for his own meal as well as mine. "I'll pay you back" I smile.

"No you won't. You never pay me back" He laughs

"I so do!" I defend myself

"Sorry but you don't. I don't mind" He smiles "I'll buy your company" I laugh at his remark.

"You make me sound like a prostitue" I laugh.

"Here you go guys" The waitress says, appearing out of no where. She puts down her large black tray and gives out everyone's food. Jack releases his grip from my hand, running his hand smoothly up my leg and then onto the table. I glare at him for teasing me. Two can play at that game. I reach up with one hand and begin to eat. The other hand rests lightly on his knee. I begin to slide it upwards painfully slowly. I feel his leg tense up underneath me.

"Jack?" Sam says with a handful of fries in his mouth.

"Er yeah?" He says completely distracted by me.

"I know this girl that I think you'll like, she's coming in right now and I forgot to tell you. Be nice yeah?" He says quickly as a tall girl with long brunette hair and golden skin walks in and smiles with her perfect teeth. As she walks over to us, I feel my self confidence drop with every step.

"Hi" She says flicking her hair over to one shoulder. She sounds southern- Jack's guilty pleasure is southern girls. ThIs Is GrEaT.

"Hey T" Sam smiles. I can also see Molly's self confidence dropping too. I hope I'm not that obvious. "Yo Indigo, move over so T can sit next to Jack?" How about no? I look to Molly and she shakes her head, willing for me not to move. I then move my gaze to Sammy, who looks expectant. Just be friendly Indigo. I slide out of the booth and 'T' sits down in my previous seat. She sits a little too close to Jack for my liking but I don't exactly have any control over that. I sit down next to her and watch as she reaches out for one of my fries. I feel my eyes widen. Why do I always freak out over the stupidest things?

"So T?" I say smiling as wide as I can. "Is that short for anything?"

"Yeah, it's short for Tara but everyone calls me T" She smiles brightly showing off her freshly whitened teeth- I mean, that's got to be fake right?

"Oh that's nice" I say in my peppiest voice I can possibly do.

"Jack I've heard so much about you. All good things of course" She smiles at Jack. I take a sip of my milkshake to stop myself from violently puking all over her. Is it bad that within 5 seconds of her being here, I already hate her?

This milkshake is disgusting- definately not what I ordered. I think it's cookies and cream aka Jack's favourite. I reach over to Jack's drink that he has just finished taking a sip out of and take his glass.

"Swap" I tell him. He nods and takes my previous glass from me. I drink from Jack's one. This is more like it- Vanilla every day of the week. I look up from my drink to see Sam glaring at me. "What?" I mouth.

"Stop" He mouths back. Don't tell me what to do. You don't even know me. I shrug and put my drink down, pulling my food towards me.

"Hey!" Tara whines "Get your own"

"They are m-"

"You can have them T" Sam says cutting me off. I'll let her have my fries- I dont care about those. But if she tries to take Jack away from me, she's got another thing coming. I go back to drinking, not saying another word for the rest of the meal.


We walk back towards the pier and towards the rollercoster I'd already spotted the other day. It's dark out by now and the pier is beautiful. The lights glow, lifting the mood of everyone within view of it- even me. Although that is undone quickly when I see Tara hugging Jack's arm as they walk side by side. We are pretty much all in pairings which we need for the ride. Queen of being 7th wheel aka me is stuck with Kenny. WOO. Not.

After several rides I begin to feel a little sick.

"Come on Indigo! This is great" Molly cheers.

"I'm gonna sit this one out. I don't feel too good" I say clutching my stomach. I really don't feel good.

"Yeah me too. I feel like I'm gonna throw up with all this flinging me through the air" Jack speaks up. He slides his arm up, out of 'T's grip. I can't help but laugh. Sam shoots me a glare. I smile innocently at him as I sit on a nearby bench.

"Suit yourself" Nate calls as they all walk away.

When they are all out of view Jack turns to me.

"Give me your hand"

"Why?" I ask

"I'm showing you something"

"I don't think I can walk. I feel so sick"

"Stand on the bench"

"You're crazy"

"Just do it bumhole"

"Charming" I laugh, doing as he says .

"Okay now get on my back" He orders and I do. He carries me to the very end of the pier next to a food shack and then puts me down on the floor. He takes my hand and leads me behind the building. I look out to the sea.

"This is beautiful"

"Not as beautiul as you are"

"So cheesy" I laugh. He brings his index finger up to my chin and moves my head towards him.

"I've been waiting to do this all day" He pulls my face towards him and kisses me softly.

"What about T?" I say sarcastically.

"She's fake as hell" He laughs "I'd much rather have you than that piece of plastic"

"Oh really?" I smirk, kissing him again.

"I haven't even known her a day and she's already told me her bra size and that she's horny"

"Desperate" I sing.

"We should get back"

"It's probably good if you continue to talk to the hoebag" I say "Just so they don't think anything happened between us"

"You're so smart" He says kissing me once more then following me back to where we left the rest of the group.

(A/N: updating at 480+ votes(: )

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