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I return to the lounge to find Shawn still dancing by himself. I can't help but laugh at him. He's playing air guitar and head banging.

"Shawn" I say grabbing his arms.

"Oh hey Indigo!" He laughs "One day, I'm gonna play to huge stadiums full of people. Just you watch me"

"I don't doubt you will" I smile. I'm proud of him. He's got a dream and I know he's not going to stop until he's right at the top. He's 16 and he's got his whole life planned out. I still don't know what I want to do with mine. "But for now we should sleep don't you agree?"

"You always take care of us crazy people" He beams

"I don't want you guys to get hurt or anything"

"Just so you know, I've always got your back if you need me. When I'm famous, I'll employ you as my backing dancer and pay you millions and make you really famous"

"Thanks Shawn. I'll remember that" I laugh.

"Indigo? Where am I?" He says out of the blue. I didn't realise he'd had so much to drink.

"You're at Ellie's"

"Oh yeah! I feel so bad that I cheated on her with Meg that time"

"She's forgiven you"

"But you wouldn't have would you?"

"Well I-"

"She told me what you said" Shawn tells me "I'm not mad. I wouldn't either. I'm just extremely lucky"

"I guess so"

"I really love her"

"I know you do Shawn"

"I'm worried that I'm not good enough for her. She's so amazing, beautiful, funny and smart"

"You're definitely good enough for her"

"You think?"

"I know" I smile "Come on. You need some sleep" I take his hand and pull him upstairs to Ellie's room. I let go of him and watch as he sees her.

"She's so gorgeous" He smiles before lifting his shirt above his head and climbing in next to her. "Night Indigo. Thanks for taking care of us" He smiles

"Anytime" I tell him before leaving the room.


I wake up to be dazzled by the sunlight that streams through Ellie's living room window. I look at my phone 11:45am. Crap. I sit up and clutch my head. I barely drunk anything- why do I have such a headache. I search the house for my shorts and bandeau that I disguarded last night. Eventually finding them, I throw them on and look at my phone again. 12:17pm. I should probably get back to Jack's. I run upstairs to Ellie's room to find that Shawn and her are fast asleep. I tiptoe over to Ellie's side of the bed and softly wake her.

"I gotta go" I smile as she opens her eyes.

"Okay" She whispers

"Thanks for having me. I had a blast" I laugh quietly.

"Thanks for coming. I'd let you out but-" She gestures to shawn who has his arms wrapped tightly around her.

"It's cool don't worry" I say standing up "Say bye to the rest of them for me yeah?"

"Bye" She says before shutting her eyes again.


"Jack" I say sweetly into my phone.

"What do you want from me?" He says sternly on the other end of the line.

"Could you maybe pick me up from Ellie's?"

"What do I get from it?" I can tell he's raising his eyebrow right now.

"The satisfaction of knowing that you did a good deed" I try. Worth a shot right?

"Hmm, try again" He chuckles.

"Well what do you want?"

"I think you know" This boy..

"For the last time, I am not kissing you"

"Fine. Walk then"

"You're seriously doing this?" Ellie lives ages away from me so therefore I can't walk. FYI.

"Yuh huh"

"I hate you." I laugh "But fine. On one condition"

"What's that?"

"I get to pick when are where it happens" I bargain.

"I guess I can deal with that. It should happen by the end of summer though"

"I already said fine. Can you just come now?"

"Okay okay. I'll see you in a few minutes." He says before hanging up.


"Yo hoe" I hear Jack say as he pulls up next to me, winding his window down.

"You're such a dickface" I laugh "I can't believe you made me promise to kiss you" I say getting into his car.

"I know you want to"

"I want to throw up yeah" I joke

"Are you hungover?"

"Nope are you?"

"What? I haven't been drinking"

"I don't know what to say. You're making me nervous" I admit.

"Why?" He says looking into my eyes. I look into them for a few seconds and then pull away. "Wow, you can't even look at me"

"Shut up okay" I say looking out of the window.

"Fine" He says bluntly. We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"What time are we leaving for LA?"

"1:30. It's a 5 and a half hour car journey"

"But it's 12:51pm"

"Exactly, that's why we have to get you home"

"Did you hear about the guy staying with us?" I ask.

"Yeah, I've met him before at my dad's work thing. He's pretty cool"

"Not as cool as me" I laugh

"You can't even look at me and I'm your best friend so you're not cool" He says. I don't say anything until we get home.


1:15 and I'm now showered and changed into Jack's old grey sweatpants and a white vest top along with my white converse. I sit at the kitchen table on my phone ready to leave.

"Ind have you seen my black jeans anywhere?" Jack says behind me. I turn to see him coming down the stairs in nothing but a towel. His hair is dripping wet, his body is also still wet and steam rises off his chest. Damn. Wait, did I just think that? I snap out of my daydream.

"Did you pack them already?" I say looking back at my phone.

"No, I left them out on purpose" He walks over to me and takes my phone out of my hands. I look up at his big brown eyes. "Why do I make you so nervous all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?"

"No" It's not what you did. It's how you made me feel. I cannot like Jack. It's not a possiblity. Stop Indigo. I get up and walk towards Molly's room.

I knock on the door and she calls out for me to come in. I do as she says and sit on the edge of her bed, watching her put her makeup on.

"What's up?" She asks, looking at me in her mirror.

"Nothing" I lie.

"I know you're lying"

"I think" I pause. Come on, just admit it. you like him. You're falling for him- hard. "I think I like Jack"

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