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-Jack's POV-

I sit in my car, head against the wheel and wait. This girl drives me crazy- in good ways and bad ways. We're toxic together but I can't bare not to be with her. She's changed so much. She now cares more about her appearance and not breaking a nail than she does about people's feelings. She thinks that she can trample all over everyone and then get everyone back with her cute little smile she does. She's become so fake- I don't even recognise her anymore. The long blonde hair, the face caked in makeup, the high heels and the fake eyelashes. None of it is really her. Not the Indigo that I know.

I look up from my wheel to see the rest of the family climbing into their car. This means I have to ride with just her. I don't know whether to be grateful for that or not.

I know I sound like a hypocrite right now. I'm telling you about how much I hate her fake exterior but that's what attracted me again. I love every single curve she has; I love running my hand up and down her sides, pulling her close and kissing her like there's no one else in the world. I love playing with her long blonde hair; intertwining my fingers in it, getting lost in it. I love her long fingernails, they're good for getting stuff of your teeth that short stubby nails just won't reach. I love it when she bats her equal length lashes at me, enticing me in closer; making me forget every worry I've ever had about us. I love her.

I continue to watch as my parents pack all the towels and sunblock into the back of the car and then slide in the front seats. Their car starts and they pull out of the drive. They wave goodbye as the roll past me. I wave back, turning my full attention to them. I don't notice the girl stood before me. She climbs into the car beside me and buckles her seat belt.

"About time you got here" I say not really looking at her.

"Sorry, I needed a little extra time to get ready" She says. I roll my eyes. As much as I love how she presents herself, I hate it just a little bit more.

"Kay" I say bluntly, turning on the engine. I pull out of the drive as out of the corner of my eye, I see her lean forward and fiddle around with the radio. Her hair is tied up in a high ponytail; just how she knows I like it- you can see her whole beautiful face. Suddenly, 'All I want for Christmas is you' blasts through the speakers. Indie and I have a whole routine to this song that we performed in our school talent show one year. We didn't win. We're terrible. She starts to sing just like she did all those years ago. She sounds like an angel. I continue to sing as my designated part comes on and I see her doing the dance moves as best as she can in the seat. I wait until the song finishes until I say anything.

"You're still as bad as you were" I laugh.

"Just because I'm no music student unlike you" She laughs. That laugh. It's so pure and genuine- how it used to be. Not fake and malicious like it is now.

"There it is" I mutter.

"There what is?" She asks.

"Oh, nothing"

"Tell me Jack attack. Please" She says, I make sure that I still don't look at her. I don't want her to draw me in and get her own way with those spiders legs that she calls eyelashes. She always gets her way.
"I didn't say anything"

"Yes you did."

"It's not important so drop it" I snap.

"Fine" She says sadly. I hate upsetting her.

"Indie-" I say reaching over for her hand, still keeping my eyes firmly on the road ahead as I pull into the car park.

"No Jack" she says quietly as o pull up the kiosk to get the entrance ticket to the parking lot.

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