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Nash takes my hand and leads me to a small square building with fairy lights hanging from the roof to the floor. One wall is entirely glass windows and there's no other windows. Nash opens the white wooden door for me and follows me inside. There's a single table with a lit candle stick and red rose petals scattered across it. The walls are covered with more fairy lights and the sun is setting outside.

"Nash, it's beautiful" I say admiring the room then looking to him.

"Not as beautiful as you are" He smiles.

"That's so cheesy" I laugh, still taking in my surroundings.

"You know me" He winks. He pulls out a chair for me to sit at. I sit down and he makes his way to the other chair. "Bet you weren't expecting this though"

"You could say that" I laugh.

"In all seriousness though, you do look absolutely stunning tonight"

"And you look very handsome" I say looking at him. He's wearing his black ramones shirt with black skinny jeans and black trainers.

"To be fair, you could have worn anything and I would have thought you were beautiful"

"Stop being so sweet. You're making me blush"

"Still cute tho" He sings, picking up his menu. I do the same and look at the food on offer. It's all pretty expensive if you ask me. "This place is so good. We come here for all family occasions"

"That must be nice" I mutter.

"Oh sorry Ind- I forgot"

"It's okay! Just because my family and I aren't on very good terms doesn't mean you can't talk about yours"

"We can talk about something else" He offers

"No it's fine. Tell me about them"

"Well the other day when we were in North Carolina. Sky- you know Skylynn right?"

"Of course I do"

"Well I got back from hanging out with my cousins and as soon as I sat down she came up to me and started braiding my hair."

"It is really long. I don't blame her at all." I laugh

"And Hayes" He says trying not to laugh "We were on the boat on the lake and he was stood on the back part and when the boat started moving" He says bursting into laughter. He takes a few deep breaths until he begins again. "When it started moving he fell off and right into the lake. It was hillarious" He finishes making me laugh again.

"That sounds like Hayes" I laugh once again.

"And one night we were around the campfire with all my cousins and their friends and we got really drunk. I can't remember much of that night. I just remember waking up with a girl I'd met that night in my bed" He says still laughing. I'm not laughing anymore. "I do remember the black eye I got from her boyfriend when he found out" He winks.

"Nash, stop talking"

"He was so mad oh god. Kinda worth it though"

"Nash. I'm not Cameron. I'm not one of the boys."


"Do you really think I want to hear about how you hooked up with a girl on holiday?"

"It's not like we're dating"

"You're such an idiot. No wait I'm the idiot- I thought you were actually different" I say getting up.

"Wait, Indigo. I am different I promise" He gets up following me to the door. I keep my back to him.

"You got with a girl a few days after what happened with us"

"What? No I didn't. I just woke up next to her. We were all too passed out to do anything like that. She couldn't get home because she was so drunk. I let her stay over the night. Nothing happened. Her boyfriend came to pick her up the next day and I was shirtless- she had messy hair. He assumed wrongly."

"So you didn't have sex with her?"

"Of course not! I was thinking about you too much to even pay attention to her" He says taking my hand, spinning me to face her. "She has nothing on you. You're beautiful, funny, fabulously sarcastic, smart-"

"Okay I get it" I laugh, blushing.

"Please, sit down. I'll make it up to you" He says pulling me back to the table. "So what did you do whilst I was away?"

"I just hung out with Molly and Jack everyday"

"Jack?" He seems worried.

"Yeah, problem?"

"Nope" He says fake smiling as the waiter comes in.

"Good Evening, can I take your order?" He says looking between Nash and I.

"I didn't even look" I say quickly scanning my menu.

"I'll have the pasta and she'll have the burger" Nash says ordering for me. I look up at him and cock my eyebrow. "Trust me" He smiles. That smile gets me every time.

"Yeah, what he said"

"Okay. I'll bring it right out" He says leaving the room.


After our meal, Nash and I decide to take a walk along the beach. We take each our shoes off and carry them in one hand. Nash takes my free hand as we walk along the sand in the shoreline.

"Have you spoken to Meg recently?" Nash asks out of the blue.

"Not since she attacked me"

"How are Jack and her doing?"

"She broke up with him"

"Oh. She never really stuck with anyone for long"

"She was with Cam for a year" I remind him.

"Yeah but that wasn't a healthy relationship was it?"

"I guess not"

"I wonder what he did to make her break up with him"

"What makes you think he did anything?"

"Well she doesn't just break up with a guy for no reason"

"She said she was moving onto bigger things"

"Ah there it is"


"Obviously he wasn't as 'big' as she wanted"

"Size isn't everything" I state

"Yeah, sure" He says dragging out his words.

"What would you know anyway? You don't know how us girls think"

"Neither do you. You're different from all the other girls"

"No I'm not"

"You do have some similarities- you're really stubborn when you want to be. You're still cute as hell tho" He says shivering.

"Are you cold?" I ask him. Funny really- normally in movies you see the girl shiver and the boy gives her his jacket. "Do you want my jacket? It may spoil your punk rock look though"

"No, I'm fine" He says looking at the ground. "Anyway, shouldn't I be offering you my jacket?"

"You don't have a jacket"

"Do you want to come back to my place instead?" He asks.

"Bit forward aren't we Nashley?" I joke.

"Fine don't then" He says giving me puppy dog eyes.

"No, I want to" I smirk as we walk back to his car.

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