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How was the party? What am I supposed to tell her? My best friend may have cheated on my other best friend with one of my other best friends- well ex best friend. Oh yeah, and that ex best friend also tried it on with me, only for me to have to be saved by a nerd. A nerd who I may or may not find extremely attractive. Oh god, did I really just admit that? Great.

"Ind?" Tilly pressures
"Yeah, it was good" I lie. I hate lying. Especially to my own sister.
"Good!" She exclaims as we pull into the drive.

I go straight upstairs and jump in the shower. When i come out of the bathroom, my phone is ringing. I pick it up quickly, on the last ring. I don't even have a chance to look at who is caling.

"Cam, is that you?"
"Yeah" He seems out of breath
"What's wrong?"
"I need to see you, I know about last night"
"Oh shit" I whisper to myself
"Can i see you?"
"Err sure?"
"Good I'm outside"
"I can see you right now"
"You sound like a pedophile right now"
"Hurry up and get dressed"
"Just come up"
"Ok" with that he hangs up.

Seconds later there's a knock at my balcony window. I open the door and let him in. Yeah he's been in my room before, but never just us two. I suddenly realise that I'm still in my towel. I quickly grab some denim high waisted shorts and a white crop. I take them into the bathroom and change quickly. I step back out to see Cameron sat awkwardly on the edge of my bed. I giggle to myself and walk over to him.

"Jees Cam, relax! It's just me!" as i finish my sentence i see him relax and loosen his shoulders
"Sorry Ind, its just-" he stops halfway
"Its just what?"
"Just- Can we go for a walk?" he says changing the subject
"Er sure?" I question and pick up my phone.

We walk downstairs and out of the door. We walk all the way to the beach before either of us says anything.
"So whats up?"
"It's nothing"
"Cameron, you've just come to my window, dragged me to to the beach and now you're saying it's nothing. Spit it out" I snap jokingly
"It's about the party"
"What about it?" i say beginning to panic
"I feel really bad"
"Why?" I say relived he wasn't going to question me about Matt and Meg "What did you do?"
"I-I-" He stutters
"You didn't?"
"What? no! I'd never cheat on Meg! I love her too much to do that!" Shame she doesn't feel the same way.
"Then what?"
"Its not what I did, its what I thought"
"That doesn't make any sense" I say confused "So you thought something about someone?"
"Yeah, there was a girl there who was so hot, I just couldn't stop thinking about her all night"
"Oh I see"
"I probably shouldn't be telling you all this"
"Because I'm Meg's best friend?"
"Because it was you."

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