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We walk into the cafeteria and it's completely jam packed. Apart from one table in the back corner- the popular table.

We sit down at our usual table whilst we wait for the boys to arrive. Minutes later in walk Nash, Cameron and Shawn, I smile to them and they smile back then continuing along the table each kissing their girlfriends.

"Babe, get me my lunch will you?" Each girl says simultaneously. You will never find any of them standing in queue for their own lunch. I go to stand up when Ellie calls out loud.
"Someone buy Indigo lunch!" She orders and at least five people cautiously make their way up to our table, only to be shot down by glares and disapproving looks from my friends meaning that I don't actually end up with any food.

A few more minutes later the boys reappear carrying trays piles with food. They hand each girl a small salad which they pick at and barely eat any of.
"Are you going to eat that?" I ask nudging Anna
"Ew no, you won't like it" she responds
"I'll take my chances, I've only eaten a cupcake today" she shrugs and slides her bowl over to me, I take one bite and instantly regret it. "Oh my god, my eye is so itchy" I say rubbing it furiously
"You're going to ruin your mascara!" Meg worries, pulling my arm down, too late. "Come with me" she says pulling me up and grabbing her bag "Get rid of this will you hunny?" She says to Cameron on her way out.

She drags me to the nearest bathroom and drops her bag down onto the side. She rummages through it and eventually pulls out a packet of makeup wipes and her makeup bag. She hands me a wipe and I clean my eye up, I rub a little too hard, causing my contact lens to fall out.
"Meg, my contact" I say beginning to panic "Can you see it anywhere?" I say struggling to see out of my eye, trying to adjust to the blurred vision.
"No, it's not here Ind! Do you have any in your bag?"
"No, I forgot to pack them"
"Great, you'll just have to go without, you can see out your other eye right?"
"I can't walk around with one contact lens in Meg" I say as a 9th grader walks in
"Get out" Meg snaps, causing the girl to burst into tears as she runs out. I don't say anything.
"I have my glasses in my bag"
"You can't wear those huge things in public!" She rolls her eyes "Talk about social suicide"
"Well that's a risk I'll have to take" I say running my hands under the tap and taking out my remaining contact "help me back to the lunch hall?"
"Are you really that blind?"
"It's really blurry so I don't want to fall down any stairs do I?"
"Whatever" she puts her things in her bag heaves it onto her shoulder. She takes my arm and guides me back to our table. I sit down and rummage through my bag, squinting to identify the contents. I turn to Cameron who is sat on the other side of me.
"Find my glasses would you?" I just make out that the nods and looks through my bag, eventually pulling out my glasses box and handing it to me. I nod gratefully and put them on.

Everything is so much clearer now. I look over at the girls waiting for their opinion.
"They look good on you" Anna says
"Yeah, totally geek chic" Ellie adds
"I was wrong, you make it work" Meg adds
"Thanks" I say happily. The bell rings and we all stand up to leave. I say goodbye to my friends and make my way in the opposite direction towards my maths class. A few people stop me on my way to wish me happy birthday and some people even give me presents. I've learnt never to stop to talk to them so I accept the presents and say thank you without changing my pace.

I arrive at my maths class and take my seat. I wait for class to start when a familiar face walks in.

(A/N: 20+ votes for a new chapter! Also please like previous chapters too!)

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