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"About bloody time!" She shouts.

"Can you not? He'll hear you" I quieten her.

"I'm so excited about this!" She says quieter than originally.

"Molly. Nothing is going to happen"

"I'll make it happen"

"Please don't" I say lying back on her bed.

"Why not?" She asks.

"Because I don't want to make a big deal out of this. It'll pass in a few days. I can just avoid him until I get over him"

"How you gonna ignore him on your 5 and a half hour long drive? And 2 week holiday"

"I'll figure it out"

"Indigo, you're kidding yourself if you think this isn't a long term thing"

"I hate this" Why him? Why Jack of all people?

"LAURA! MOLLY! JACK! IND! WE'RE LEAVING!" We hear Katherine call up. I grab my suitcase from Molly's room and struggle to drag it out of the room. At the doorway, I meet Jack, still shirtless. He's so hot. STOP Indigo.

"Here lemme help you" He says reaching out to take my suitcase.

"I got it" I snap.

"Fine" He says picking up his own suitcase and running downstairs.

"Don't shut him out completely?" Molly says as she passes me.

I drag my suitcase halfway down the stairs until Mr Gilinsky comes to the rescue.

"Here I'll get that for you" He smiles. I let him take it from me and he carries it down out to Jack's car. I run back upstairs and find my bag that I had on the last day of school. I've already packed it with the essentials- charger, food and drink, headphones, phone, hairbrush as well as anything thing else I thought would be important at the time.

I grab it and run back downstairs.

"Everyone got everything?" Katherine asks. We all nod. "Jack and Indigo you alright to go on your own?"

"Yeah" Jack says reluctantly.

"If you need us then call us okay?"

"Will do mom"

"Okay! Is the house all locked? Did I turn the kettle off?"

"Mom stop worrying" Jack laughs

"Did I bring the passports?"

"We don't need them"

"Right. Okay. Let's go." She says getting in the car. We all follow suit and get in the designated car.

"Can you set my phone maps up?" Jack says starting the engine "The zip code is already saved"

"Kay" I respond taking his phone and setting up the map. He pulls out and we sit in silence for about 10 minutes.


"What did I do?" He says still staring at the road.


"Then why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not"

"Ever since you got back from Ellie's, you've been weird"

"No I haven't"

"Please just tell me"

"Nothing's wrong"




"I'm fine"

"No you aren't"

"I like you okay?" I spit. No. I did not just say that. Please tell me I didn't say that.

"Well I know you like me" He laughs "You're living with me, you kinda have to" Thank god he doesn't know that I meant.

"Yeah" I say meekly. I guess he doesn't know what to say because we sit in silence for a few minutes again.

"What happened to us?" He asks again. "We we're so good. Then bam- now we aren't"

"We are good!"

"Sure" He says unenthusiastically. I lean forward and turn on the radio.


"Indie" Jack whispers. My eyes are shut but I'm not sleeping. I can't stop thinking about how I almost told him how I feel. "Indigo" He trys again.

"Yeah?" I groan, opening my eyes and stretching out.

"My eyes keep closing. I'm so tired"

"Pull over" I tell him

"I'm in the middle of the highway"

"There's hard shoulder isn't there?" I say as if that should have been obvious. He does as I say and I jump out of the car. I walk round to the drivers seat and open the door. "Switch" I tell him. He nods wearily and climbs out. We switch seats and eventually pull off back on our journey again.


"Jack" I say as I pull into the driveway of the house. It's beautiful here. The house is right on the shoreline of the beach. The sea goes on for miles. And the house.

The house. 4 words: modern, white, windows and AMAZING. I can't even descibe it. Whoever owns this house must be pretty loaded. Not even Cameron or Ellie kind of wealthy- mutlipy that by like 10 million then you'll get an idea. Potted plants are located at every corner of the housing of the house- many windows line each wall making the pace seem even more glamourous. I could get used to this. Long, marble steps lead to a small patio area and a dining table with pure white chairs. The walls gleam in the sunlight and the sun beats down on us. It's like something from a movie. Literally. "Jack, we're here"

"We are?" He says in his husky morning voice, despite the fact that it is actually 6pm. He sits up more in his seat and looks at the view infront of him. "Wow"

"I know right" We sit and stare for a while. We're the first ones here. Well I thought we were- until a boy around our age with brunette hair and brown eyes comes walking down the porch steps and towards the car. We get out and greet him.

"Hi! You must be Jack and..." He trails off. He's kinda hot if you ask me- completely not what I expected someone who owns this house to be like. He's normal.

"Indigo" I smile

"Hm, weird name" Compliment? I don't even know.

"Weird girl" Jack laughs.

"Well welcome to Santa Monica beach" He says gesturing to the surrounding view.

"I thought we were going to LA?" I ask

"Close enough" Jack says looking around. "Wow look at that!" He says pointing to the distance. I follow his finger and see a very colourful pier not too far away from here. From what I can make out, there's a rollercoster and a big ferris wheel. I love rides, so does Jack. We'll definately be going there.

"You should see it at night" The boy beams "It lights up and it's really cool. I guess we could go sometime"

"Did you hear that Ind!? It has colourful lights" Jack beams. He's like a little boy on christmas day.

"Yeah I did Jack" I laugh.

"Let's go inside. Sorry about the interior design. Dad gave mom his credit card and she went to town on the cream and beige" He laughs. He opens the door and we walk inside.

"I'm sure it's not that bad"

"Oh, by the way" He says, turning to Jack and I. "I'm Sam. Sam Wilkinson"

(A/N: 250+ likes for an update?!)

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