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12am and the party is in full swing. Kenny and I turned up at about 10 to help set things up- well Kenny did, I just sat and watched. What? I couldn't break a nail, could I? People started turning up at 11; the majority of which were already too drunk to tell Nate's friend their name so he could check them off the list.

I'm currently sat on the kitchen counter surrounded by people I don't know doing things I've never seen before. You catch my drift. I take a sip from the red solo cup in my hand and wait for the familiar sting down my throat. I'm a little drunk to say the least. Every time someone comes to talk to me they fill up my cup with an unknown purple substance. At first I was wary and tipped it straight down the sink but then Skate found me and did the same thing- filling my cup to the brim. I slugged it down straight away. I trust Skate.

"Hey stranger" I hear the voice before I see the owner. Kenny weaves between a couple getting a little too handsy and beams at me. "Wanna refill?" He smirks holding up a beer can. I nod and he pours half of it into my cup, taking a sip from the can soon after. What happened to the girl who didn't want an alcoholic drink?

"Thanks" I smile. "Hey Kenny?"

"Yeah?" He slurs.

"Dance with me?" I smirk, downing my drink and jumping off the counter. I wobble off balance slightly but soon regain my posture. I loop my finger through his belt and drag him behind me. We push through the crowd into the open space that has become the designated dance floor. I unhook my finger and walk over to the stereo. I scroll through the music on the connected iPod until I find a song that I like. I'm not really a rap/ hip hop kind of girl so there aren't many on here that I know. I push the screen and lock the gadget as 'bump and grind' by R. Kelly blasts at full volume through the speakers. Kenny starts to sing along at the top of his voice as I walk towards him. I trail my hand across his chest as I walk in a circle around him. My hand involuntarily lowers and continues to do so as I stand in front of him. He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him.

"I'm not taking advantage of a drunk girl" he whispers in my ear.

"Don't then. Just let me give you a little show instead" I wink. I stumble over to a chair that's been pushed up against the wall and drag it dutifully back to Kenny.

I push him roughly onto the chair as the pace of music begins to quicken. I stand in front of him and sway my hips to the beat. He licks his lips and struggles to contain a smile. I advance towards him and quickly turn my back on him. I sit down on his lap and start to grind slightly on his thigh. I feel him tense beneath me- this is torture for him. I smile to myself as I stand up and walk around him. I stand behind him and slide my hands down the front of his chest a few times, very slowly.

"You're killing me here Ind" he laughs. I look to the left of me to see Jack Gilinsky- the boy I love, glaring at me like he wishes I was dead. I smirk and walk back round to Kenny. I sit on his lap and kiss his neck, maintaining eye contact with Jack at all times. I guess I shouldn't be doing this to Kenny- using him I mean. Jack walks towards me, grabs a hold of my wrist and drags me away from Kenny. He stomps out into the back garden; there's less people here.

"What the hell?" I yell at him. He pushes me against the brick wall and breathes heavily down on me- there's no trace of alcohol on his breath; he's stone cold sober.

"I could say the same to you" he mutters.

"You can't just control my life Jack" I state. "You missed your chance"

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did. I was ready to drop everything to be with you. I would have done anything to be with you. I jeopardized our friendship to be with you. Then you just threw it all back in my face"

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