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"Matt" I say turning away from him "please"
"Oh come on" he crawls across the bed turning to me "I know you want me"
"I don't matt. I really don't" I say edging away from him. He follows me, pinning me against the wall. His hands trailing my body. "Stop"
"Come on indigo, loosen up a little" he laughs, as he does all I can smell is alcohol. He's obviously drunk. I hate it when he's drunk.
"Matthew please-" he cuts me off by slamming his lips into mine. He pushes me further pushing me into the wall even more. He only stops when there's a knock on the door. He let's me go and speeds to the door. He opens it to see who's there.

Meanwhile, I run to the walk in wardrobe and hide myself between the thousands of clothes that have been stuffed in there.

I hear a loud bang and a door slam outside. I just about her a key turn in the lock of the bedroom door. It's just a matter of time before Matt finds me, after all it is an obvious hiding place.

I hear a gentle knock on the closet door. Why doesn't he just come in?
"Indigo?" I hear faintly through the door
"Matt?" I whisper
"It's not Matt, he's gone" I stand up and walk timidly towards the door. I press my ear to it to listen closer. "It's Jack. From your math class?"
"Gilinsky?" I ask just to clarify
"Yeah" I can sense him smiling even though I can't see him. I open the door and fall into his arms "thank you so much" I say in tears
"Hey hey, it's okay" he comforts "did he hurt you?" I shake my head "good" he pulls me to the bed and sits me down on the edge.
"Why are you here?" I say rather rudely
"Everyone was invited- I'm here with my friends"
"Wow, you didn't think I'd have friends did you?"

"It's not that! It's just-" I struggle to find an ending to my sentence
"Have you heard of Carter Reynolds?"
"I think so? Always wears a SnapBack?" He nods in agreement
"And Taylor Caniff?"
"The one that swears a lot?"
"Ha yeah" he laughs making me laugh. His phone buzzes and he checks it "I have to go, they're looking for me"
"Okay, thank you again" I say as he stands up. He seems to be a nice boy, compared to Matt he seems like an angel. He reaches the door but stops and turns to look at me.
"Um Indigo?" I look up to him
"D-d-do you maybe w-w-wanna hang out sometime during the summer?" He stutters. I smile at how petrified he is.
"I mean if you're not to busy with all your friends" he says ignoring my answer "Sorry, I realise that you're so much cooler than me, forget I said anyth- wait did you say sure?"
"Sure, I may need to have your number so that we can arrange something?"

He looks pretty proud of himself. He nods and we exchange numbers and he leaves. I flop backwards onto the bed staring at the ceiling.

Did I just agree to hang out with a nerd?

(A/N: going to update twice today so please vote for both chapters, also, thank you for 1mil votes on my other fanfic- different! If you haven't read that then go read it now woo!)

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