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"Well I'm going out with Sam today" Molly says "Laura is with Nate and mom and dad are at a museum or something"

"Okay" Jack answers.

"So you guys have the house to yourself all day" she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop, you're so embarassing" Jack says pushing her slightly.

"Just stay off my bed okay" She laughs

"Molly" Jack whines.

"Okay I'm going" She says, walking out of the room. As soon as we hear the front door slam shut Jack turns to me.

"So" He says awkwardly

"Don't go getting all shy on me now that you lurveee me" I tease

"Shut up"

"Make me" I flirt.

"Fine" He says kissing me yet again. This sounds cliche but honestly, when we kiss there's fireworks. I break away from him and run to the bathroom. Gross, I just kissed him several times without brushing my teeth. I'm surpised he didn't throw up. I brush my teeth vigourously and then skip out into the living room where Jack is stood looking very confused.

"I had to brush my teeth" I tell him innocently.

"I don't care about your morning breath" He laughs "I'm used to it"

"Stop please" I laugh.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks me

"I was actually gonna go shopping with Tara" I say trying not to laugh "Because we're like totally best friends now" I say exaggarating my pep.

"You're not funny"

"For real though I was hoping we could have a movie day" I laugh

"Or we could-" He starts. He cuts himself off my kissing me. He moves his hands down to my butt as I snake my arms around his neck. He breaks away for a few seconds to regain his breath. "Jump" He says picking me up, I do as he says and wrap my legs around his waist.

"This is so cheesy"

"You love a bit of cheese" He laughs kissing me again. He pushes open his bedroom door and leads me inside.

He lays me down on the bed softly and continues to kiss me.

"Jack" I say as he moves his lips onto my neck.

"Yeah?" He whispers, fumbling around with the bottom of my pyjama top.

"I can't"

"Can't what?"

"I can't do this. With you"

"With me?"

"It's too weird" I say pushing him off of me slightly. "We only told eachother how we feel yesterday- it's moving too fast"

"Okay" He says. He's disappointed, I know he is. "Do you just wanna sit in bed and cuddle then?" He smiles. I nod and we climb into his bed. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I rest my head on him shoulder. "This shirt is strangling me" He says out of the blue. He moves his arm and lifts his shirt above his head, tossing it onto the ground.

We go back to our previous posistion and I find my hand involuntarily moving to his abs. He's just so hot. I stare at his chest as I watch it rise and fall with every breath.

"Do you wanna play a game?" He says randomly

"Like what?"

"Are you any good at x box?"

"No" I lie. I'm actually great at it but I can see where this is going. I want him so badly. What was I thinking when I stopped him?

"Let's play"


"Lets spice it up then. Everytime one of us loses- we lose an item of clothing" He smirks

"How is that fair to me?"

"I'll go easy on you"

"Hmm okay" I say getting out of bed. "I'm already wearing more clothes than you"

"Then why don't we fix that?" He smiles. He walks around my side of the bed and up to me.

"Or you could just put your shirt back on?" I laugh.

"You're no fun" He wimpers. He picks up his black shirt and puts it back on. He takes my hand and we walk to the couch in the living room. He turns on the tv and X box and puts in fifa. One of the few games I've played before.

"So how about everytime one of us scores a goal, they get to decide what the other one has to take off" I ask

"Yeah okay" He smiles. "Fyi, I have to lie down to play this game. Don't ask me why" He adds. He shifts on the couch so that he is lying across it. His legs lay ontop of mine and I rest my controller on them as I wait for the game to load.

1-0 to Jack. Dammit. He takes my pyjama trousers off of me and throws them to the other side of the couch.

1-1. Booyah! I make Jack take his shirt off and it soon joins my trousers.

1-2. I laugh as I score my next goal. I make him take his trousers off this time.

"I thought you said you weren't very good at this" He whines

"I may or may not have lied. I play this with the guys all the time" Even though I was completely thrashed the last time I played- but Jack doesn't need to know that.

2-2. Oh no.

"Give me that shirt" He says pulling it up over my head.

3-2. Why did I get so cocky?

"Why don't we go somewhere with less windows?" I say standing up. Jack looks me up and down. I hold my hand out and pull him up with me. He picks me up once again and kisses me roughly. "I changed my mind" I whisper

"How come?" He says carrying me to his room.

"You're just so hot" I laugh as he moves his lips to my neck once again. This feels like deja vu. His hands hold onto my butt tightly and he pushes me against the door of his room, locking it once we are inside.


I so wish that I had waited for Jack. I should have told Matt no more. I should have run but I couldn't. I froze on the spot whilst he pushed me down and grabbed me all over. I should have waited with Cameron. He meant nothing to me. Jack on the other hand- he made me feel safe, loved, like no one could ever take us away from eachother.

I lie my head on his bare chest, the covers clinging to our damp bodies. He's breathing heavily.

"Was that- was it okay?" He stutters. He's worried that he wasn't good enough for me. I look up to him and smile. "What? Oh god, it was bad wasn't it. I'm so sorry" He says blushing.

I sit up next to him and stare at him. He's so beautiful- his jaw line, his cheekbones, his dark brown eyes, his eyebrows, his cute nose, his lips. Those lips. I lean down and kiss him softly. His hands cup my hips and he pulls me on top of him. I straddle him as he looks into my eyes.

"You're so beautiful" He says running his hands up and down my sides. "I'm so lucky"

"Whatever" I laugh

"You're amazing you know"

"As are you kind sir" I laugh.

"Mom's gonna kill us when she finds out"

"Don't tell her then"

"Molly is a blabbermouth"

"Don't tell her then either"

"I don't want to have to keep you a secret"

"Me either" I say sadly. I lean down and cuddle his chest.

"I could stay like this forever" He tells me as I close my eyes.

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