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I walk to homeroom on my own, once again being handed presents whilst I walk. I'm not complaining, some of this stuff is actually really nice. The girls will want to go through it all so they can throw out anything 'not worthy of my time'.
"Hey girl!!" Anna squeals the second I walk through the door
"Hey!!" I say enthusiastically
"How was maths?"
"Easy" I say a little less enthusiastically
"What's up?" She replies. I swear that girl can read me like a book
"I talked to Jack again"
"Ergh that loser? What did he have to say? I bet he was begging for your forgiveness"
"No, he was actually really rude"
"Why what did he say?"
"He called me a hypocrite and a nerd"
"That mother fu-" she stops herself half way, takes a deep breath, composes herself and takes out her phone
"What are you doing?"
"Texting nash duh! That freak deserves everything he gets" the way she spits the word freak makes my skin crawl but I'm past caring about him. It's my birthday for god's sake! I should be celebrating!
"I have to see my maths teacher after school for a second"
"Okay we'll wait for you in Ellie's car" Meg responds. It's not like they don't all have cars, they just like to turn up together. I live in the opposite direction to them, that's why I walk to school.

After registration I quickly walk to my maths class. Turns out sir only wanted to say happy birthday and have a good summer whilst getting a little to up close and personal. I back away as quickly as possible and walk to the main entrance of the school, still being handed presents. I wait outside for what seems like a split second until a familiar car pulls up outside.
"Get in loser, we're going shopping" Meg calls from the back seat of Ellie's soft top car, I laugh and climb in over Anna's head and slump into the seat next to meg.
"You guys have been watching too much mean girls" they laugh as Ellie pulls away from the curb.
"The boys are meeting us at the mall" she announces whilst keeping focus on the road. Great, another couples trip, once again I'll be the third wheel or should I say seventh wheel?
"Okay cool"

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