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"He's on his way" I state putting my phone down "I'm so nervous"

"Why? You see Nash everyday!"

"I know but never like this"

"Don't be stupid. It's just Nash. You'll be fine- you look great"

"Thanks Molly"

"What for?"

"The pep talk, the paintings, the clothes, the hair, the makeup, the fact that you still like me although your brother doesn't"

"I don't care if Jack doesn't like you. He's an idiot" She says looking out the window. "Lover boy is here" She says nudging me downstairs.

"Please don't call him that" I say as the doorbell goes. I open it after Molly goes into the kitchen. "Hey Nash"

"Hi-" He starts, looking up "Wow"


"You look amazing Indigo"

"Not to bad yourself" I giggle walking inside the house. Nash follows me to the lounge where we sit on the couch. "So what do you wanna do today?"

"I was thinking a movie day with snacks and cuddles?" Nash laughs awkwardly, sitting down.

"Sounds perfect"

"But you need to show off that amazing outfit and your beautiful face first" He says getting up, pulling me up along with him. "To the store we go!" He says galloping out of the room.

"I'll be back soon Mol" I shout through the house.

"Kay!" I hear back before I leave the house.


"So what movie should we get? High School Musical?" Nash says carrying a basket in his left hand, holding mine in his right.

"We always watch that! You pick" I smile back.

"But it's your favourite"

"I'm going to let you into a little secret- I'm more of an action girl actually. High School Musical was the cute, popular girl choice"

"Well I'm glad you like action and not that lovey dovey shit"

"Zac Efron is hella hot though"

"Not as hot as me though"

"Hmm if you say so" I flirt.

"How about this?" He says holding up a copy of This Means War.

"Seen it"

"Okay mr bigshot, what do you suggest?"

"This?" I say throwing 'Edge of Tomorrow' at him.

"Ew no."

"What's wrong with it?"

"Tom Cruise is so not cool" He laughs

"Neither are you" I laugh back. "Look just pick one each and go with them both"

"Two movies isnt a movie day. It's a movie 4 hours"

"Maybe I can't stand to be with you for longer than that" I wink.

"Your sarcasm is such a turn on"

"Put it back in your pants Nashley" I laugh

"Okay okay!" He says holding his hands up in surrender. "Its hot when you're like this" He says movie closer to me.

"Nash, we are in the middle of the store" I warn

"Fine, I'll just have to control myself for a bit longer"

"Way longer" I add.


After agreeing that white chocolate is so much better than milk chocolate and that original pringles beats sour cream and onion pringles everytime, we finally make it back to the house.

"You know what? I've had enough of you for one day you can leave" I say seriously.

"Sarcasm" Nash laughs "I know you too well Ind"

"Boo you whore" I laugh leading Nash back to the lounge.

"You're not Regina George"

"You shouldn't even know that"

"You made me watch it" He whines.

"Best day of your life"

"Where do you keep blankets?"

"I have no idea" I shrug "I'll go explore"


I make my way up to my room. Duvets count as blankets right? I decide to change into something more comfortable. I put on my black yoga shorts and an old top in the bottom of one of the drawers. Must be one of Laura's. There's a knock at the door.

"Dude, you looked so hot" Molly says from behind me.

"Comfort before style" I say simply.

"At least come with me" She says pulling me to her room. "There's so many options!"

"You love clothes don't you?"

"Yes" She says looking back to her closet. "This"

I look at the clothes infront of me. A long grey jumper with a christmas print on it and two long socks.

"What about pants?" I ask.

"You don't need them. Just put them on- you'll see" She smirks. I change quickly and look at myself in the mirror. "Told you- the jumper covers your butt fine"

"I'm trusting you here"

"If Nash did see your ass would that be so bad"

"Oh my god, stop please." I say turning red. "I'm leaving"

"Good Luck"


"Hey hot stuff"

"You're gross" I laugh sitting next to him. I cover us both over with teh duvet. "You want a drink?"

"Nah I'm good" He responds "Why'd you change?"

"This is more comfortable"

"And more hot"

"So I've been told" I say quietly turning the first movie 'Bad Neighbours' on. "You know what this is about right?"

"Nope, never seen it- it has Zac Efron and Dave Franco so it can't be that bad"

"Yeah okay" I say, struggling not to laugh.


"Well I did warn you" I laugh as the movie credits begin. Nash and I are now sat with my legs over the top of him, his arm around me and my head on his chest.

"I'm actually so turned on right now" He admits, his hand sliding up my thigh.


"Shh baby" He whispers, pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back for a few seconds and then pull away.

"I'm not your baby" I smile and kiss him again. This moment. With Nash. It's perfect. I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Do you want to do this?" Nash asks, breathing heavily- his hand moving higher and higher up my leg.


"We'll stick to the hard core make out session then" He laughs.

Kissing me again- he lays me down on my back and hovers over me, kissing my neck. My back involuntarily arches and his hands meet my bare skin. His fingers trace my spine- sending shivers through my whole body. His lips meet mine again. I feel him smile into the kiss and pulls back.

"I've waited so long to do this"

"Don't stop then"

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