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How can she throw me out? I'm 17, where am I supposed to go? I can't go to Meg's, I can't go to Anna's. Maybe Ellie will have me? I ring Ellie straight away.

"Hello?" She sounds out of breath

"Are you busy?"

"Er kinda. Shawn's round"

"Oh okay, nevermind then"

"Is that all you wanted?" She sounds like I'm keeping her.

"Yeah, sorry to bother you"

"Okay, bye Indigo" She says. Wait did she say Shawn was round? And she's out of breath. Oh god. I have to tell her.

"Are you doing 'it' with Shawn right now?"

"Makeup sex is great"

"I hate to have to tell you this, but you know the whole Meg incident yesterday?"

"Don't bother, we are over that. I love him too much to lose him because of her."

"Meg has Chlamydia. Matt's got it too. So-"

"So Shawn has it?"


"Oh my god. That means I have it. What do I do?" She's panicking

"I don't know? Go to a clinic or something?"

"Yeah I'll do that" She sounds calmer now. "Well I guess thanks for telling me. You're a good friend Ind"

"Thanks El, so are you" I respond, even though it's not entirely true. I'm homeless and she didn't even ask what's wrong.

"Why did you really call?" Ok, I take it back.

"Oh no reason" I lie "Just wanted to see if we could hang out"

"Oh sorry Ind"

"It's fine, don't worry about it" I lie again. With that I hang up and change into my blue jeggings and a white baggy tee with white vans, then start to pack my stuff.

I throw all of my clothes (minus mom's designer stuff) into several rucksacks. We don't have any suitcases- we've never been on holiday- mom's always been too busy with work. I go into my bathroom and pack up all the things in there. I go back out to my room and squash my headphones and trainers into different bags. I gather all my school books and put them in my school bag- I'll need them next year.


"Nash, I need you"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Mom's kicked me out"

"What? Why?"

"She said she's sick of me disappearing and not telling her where I am"

"That's a dumb reason to kick you out."

"I know, so now I have no where to go"

"I'd say you can stay with me, but we're going back to North Carolina to see my grandparents tomorrow, for two weeks"

"Oh, of course you are! Don't worry about me"

"I'm so sorry Ind"

"Don't be" I smile, even though he can't see me.

"I have to go, mom's bugging me to pack"

"It's okay, you go"


"Bye" I say, hanging up.


"Hey Cam"

"Nash rung me. I know what happened"


"I want to help but-"

"You're going to Florida. That's why I didn't ask you"


"It's cool, I hope you have a nice vacation" I say hanging up.

What if I ring Tilly? Or Violet? Maybe they'll talk to mom? I try Tilly first.


"Don't try and beg me to talk to mom. I'm on her side. Ind, you disappeared for over 24 hours last night and no one heard from you"

"What are you talking about? I saw you this morning!"

"No you didn't"

"You were having sex with some 'inexperienced' guy. You told me that they were better so you could teach them a thing or two"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that"

"Now will you talk to mom?"

"I can't, then she'll think I lied and she'll hate me. She might even kick me out"

"That's really selfish"

"It's a hard world" She says slyly.

"Call yourself my sister. Yeah thanks a lot sis" I say sarcastically and hang up.

I know Violet is at home to I go into her room.

"Ind, I was so worried"

"If you were worried then why didn't you text or call?"

"I-I-I didn't think of that"

"Where were you?" I ask

"I was with mom, doing work experience with her"

"You can't have been that worried"

"I was. I just- I was enjoying spending time with mom."

"You're not going to talk to her are you"

"Sorry Ind"

"You aren't sorry" I say storming out.

So Meg hates me, I've basically stolen Anna's boyfriend, Ellie's with Shawn, Shawn's with Ellie, Cam's going to Florida and Nash is going to North Carolina. I really don't want to stay with Matt. Jack Johnson and Aaron are more Nash and Cameron's friends, not mine. So who does that leave?


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