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"A Party?"
"Yeah, Anna's having a pool party, her parents are out of town"
"Er sure"
"Great! Tilly will pick you up at 8?"
"I can drive you know? I'll take you"
"You sure? I distinctively remember you not being the best go kart driver when we were younger" I lift up my arm to reveal a scar on my elbow from where Jack crashed our go kart at his 7th birthday party.
"That was 10 years ago! Cut me some slack" He says punching my arm lightly
"Its 7:30, I better go" I say standing up
"You can get ready in half an hour?" he sounds shocked
"It's a pool party, there's not much to get ready for"
"You're right" He says walking me to the front door "Hey before you go, red, blue or purple?"
"Trunks? I know purple is your favourite colour so I was thinking purple?"
"How did you-"
"Your name is Indigo, it kind of gives it away"
"Oh, yeah purple" I smile as I walk out the door.

I count 129 steps on the way back. I get to my room and turn the shower on. There's no point in washing my hair because I'll just be in the pool later but my legs and armpits seriously need some tlc before anyone sees them tonight. I spend a further 10 minutes trying to decide on a pink, white or red bikini. I have no doubt that Anna will be wearing pink and Meg will be wearing red, Ellie will probably be wearing blue so I decide on white. I also put on a yellow cover up and matching yellow flip flops, I let my hair stay loose and I sit scrolling through twitter whilst I wait. About 10 minutes later I hear a horn sound outside. I run to my front door and climb into Jack's car.

"Hola" He replies
"You know where she lives?"
"Everyone knows where she lives" He responds
"Thats creepy
"They all know where you live too, and Ellie and Meg"
"Oh my god, thats stalkerish" We laugh and drive to Anna's house in silence. Well I say silence, we weren't talking, we were singing at the top of our voices. Its crazy how comfortable we feel around each other again after just one day together. Not even a day, more like 1 or 2 hours.

We pull up outside Anna's house and walk to her side gate. I snap on my usual preppy but 'I'm-better-than-you' face, take a deep breath and walk inside. Its already full with the 25 people that Anna promised. I search for Nash, Anna, Ellie or Shawn but I can't seem to find them. I only see the 3 people I was hoping to avoid tonight. Meg, Matt and Cameron. Great.

I steer Jack in the opposite direction, I flop onto one of the sun loungers that surrounds the 100 ft. long swimming pool. I slip out of my flip flops and cover up and flop backwards onto the seat. Jack sits down next to me and does the same as I did. I sense someone sit down next to me.

"Hey pretty lady" I turn to look at who it is.
"Ergh, leave me alone Matt" I say standing up, I turn to Jack who is watching us. "Do you want a drink?" he nods and I walk over to the bar that Anna's parent's installed for parties and barbecues. Matt follows, grabbing my wrist, holding me back. A silence falls over the crowd of people. They're all watching us.
"Matt stop, people are watching"
"Let them!" He slurs, he's obviously drunk which doesn't surprise me at all. "Hey everbody!" He calls "Indigo Bartoli is my property, if anyone so much as talks to her, I will knock you out." He slurs again, crashing is lips into mine. I push him off as Nash and Shawn come over.
"Hey dude" Nash says, holding Matt away from me. Matt fights back but Nash keeps him back effortlessly. Let's just say I wouldn't like to be on the recieving end of one of his punches...like Jack was. Speaking of Jack, where the hell is he? I look over to where he was previously sat to find him engrossed in coversation with Meg. Of course, why didn't I think of that? Of course she'd want to take anything that I'd shown an interest in. I thank Nash and get Jack's and my drinks and carry them over to him. Meg looks stunning, as usual. I hate her. I feel stares burning holes on my back as people watch us.

"Oh hey Ind! I didn't see you come in!" She says in her flirty voice. What a bitch. I look to Jack and he rolls his eyes. I let out a small laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh nothing"
"Okay, whatever, you can leave now." She spits
"Okay, whatever" I repeat, I tie my hair up into a high pony and dive into the pool. If she thinks that Jack will fall at her knees for her then she's got another thing coming to her.

I surface to find Cameron stood directly infront of me, a couple inches away from me.
"Hey Ind"
"Hey Cam"
"I broke up with her"
"You did?"
"So she told you then?"
"Told me what?" he raises his eyebrow. I look over to see Meg inching closer and closer to Jack. I roll my eyes and turn back to Cameron.
"That she slept with Matt duh! What else would she tell you?" I say innocently
"SHE WHAT?" Cameron shouts, silencing the party once again. He clambers out of the water, dragging me along behind him and storms towards Meg and Jack. "You slept with him?" He screams. I look to Jack to ensure him that Cameron isn't talking about him, he already knows about Matt and Meg but I thought I should warn him anyway. To my suprise, Cameron drops to the floor in tears. "How could you?"
"You fucking bitch" Meg screams, slapping me across the face.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I smirk "I did warn you"
"Boo you whore" What was that I said about watching too much mean girls before?
"Don't take it out on her" Cameron says standing up for me
"I'll do what I want" She yells as she entangles her fingers into my hair and begins to pull. Before I know it she stands before me with tiny clumps of my hair in her hands, my head burning but numb at the same time. I don't relatiate, I'm the innocent one in all of this.
"Oh my god Indie!" Jack says beginning to panic
"Come with me" Nash interjects
"I'm fine! Seriously" I lie. Jack takes my hand and we follow Nash inside. He gives me an ice pack and the burning soon stops. I use Anna's hairdryer to dry the rest of my hair. It was wet so it made it extra heavy. Nash gives me some paracetamol and a glass of water and I soon feel a lot better. "Lets go" I bounce up, just to prove how fine I actually am. As we walk outside, I'm greeted by Ellie, Anna and Shawn all asking if I am okay. "I'm absolutely fine!" I protest

"I'll drive you home?" Shawn offers
"It's okay, I got a ride here with Jack, so I'll get a ride home with him when he's ready to leave"
"Why is he even here?" Meg shouts over the music
"Him. That loser. Why is he here? Didn't he get the memo? No freaks allowed."
"That's ironic isn't it Meg"
"Just a few minutes ago, you were all over him, practically begging him for it" I cross my arms "Who were you planning to cheat on this time? Still Cameron? Or Matt this time instead? I presume you two are an item now after you broke poor Cameron's heart" She doesn't reply, she just looks guilty "Oh wait no. I'm sorry. Matt wants ME doesn't he?" She stand speechless again.
"Come on Indie, lets go" Jack says tugging my arm, I nod and follow him out. We get in the car and both breathe a huge sigh of relief that we are out of that place. "I see what you mean now"

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