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I can't do this. I can't ask Jack for something this big. Not after what I said to him.


I struggle to pick up my many bags and start for Jack's house. When I get there I slowly knock on the door. Should I really do this? During my mental battle, the door opens and Mrs Gilinsky's smiling face appears in front of me.

"Indigo? What's the matter?" She says holding open her arms. I drop all my bags and run into her arms. I try not to cry into her shoulder. "You can cry" She comforts, so I do.

"Mom kicked me out" I state, still in disbelief.

"Maybe you should come inside" She says letting me go, picking up some of my bags. I pick up the rest and follow her to the lounge. She pats on the couch next to her and I sit down next to her. She wraps me in her arms again. "Tell me what happened" She says softly. I tell her exactly what happened with my mom and my sisters, she rubs my back and nods along to my story.

"You're welcome to stay here dear" She smiles

"That's very kind of you but Jack and I aren't really on very good terms at the minute"

"What has that silly boy done now?"

"It wasn't his fault, it's not like we were dating or anything"

"What did he do?"

"Do you know Meg?"

"Oh yes! She's a lovely young lady, she came round yesterday for dinner"

"So you like her?"

"Yes, very much"

"Oh okay" I stand up "Maybe I should go"

"Hold on a second. So this Meg, what has she done?" I tell her about the last few days of school as well as the events of the parties and more so far this summer. I don't know why I'm telling her all this- I didn't even tell my family about what's happened but I guess I've always trusted her. "Right so now I'm thinking that Meg isn't as nice as I thought. So what has my Jack got to do with it?"

"Jack is with Meg"

"How do you mean with?"

"Um, how do I put this? He is now sexually active" I say blushing

"With Meg? Right. And you are sad about this?"

"Well I didn't think I was but now I think I am"

"You love my Jack don't you?"

"I grew up with him, how could I not? He's like the brother I've never had" I say, she just smirks and nods, like she isn't telling me something. "I'm just, worried about him. Meg isn't the best girl for him. She's been with 4 boys since we broke up from school"

"Really? That's disgusting! How has she not caught anything?"


"Oh god, she has, hasn't she? That's why you're worried"

"He's going to hate me even more for telling you this"

"Let him. I'd rather know then be oblivious to it." She says shaking her head. "We never had the talk with him. He was only ever interested in talking to one girl and he was so young then. Then as he grew up, he still only had eyes for one girl"

"I had the talk when I was 11. That's when Violet got it so they thought I should learn too"

"Your mother has always had very strange ideas on bringing up children"

"Are you calling her a bad mom?"

"No no! That's not what I meant!" She says quickly.

"Don't worry, I agree" I laugh.

"Well" She pauses "Would you like a drink?"


"Mom I'm back!" We hear Jack call from the front door. He walks into the lounge where Mrs Gilinsky and I are. "What are all those bags for in the-" He stops in his tracks when he sees me. "Hi?"

"Indigo is staying with us for a while"


"Never you mind. I've said she is so she is"

"But mom!" He argues

"I told you he wouldn't want me here" I say to Jack's mom.

"I don't care what he wants, I want you here"

"Well where is she gonna stay?" He says impatiently.

"In Laura's room, she's staying with her boyfriend for a while. She said it was fine"

"Mom you're constantly trying to ruin my life" Jack says as if I'm not even here.

"You're doing that yourself by being with Meg" She retaliates

"What has she told you?"



"Don't take it out on her. At least I know now. I can help you, I'll take you to the clinic myself"


"She's your mom, she deserves to know"

"Forget it, I hate you Indigo, don't even bother talking to me whilst you're here"


I throw my bags down on the bed that has been striped clean of the sheets with clean folded sheets placed in a pile on top. I've never been in this room before. I spent all of my time in Jack's room or in his garden so I never really went in any of the other rooms. Don't get me wrong, I know my way around this house with my eyes shut. I open some of the bags and start to fold up my clothes neatly in a pile on the chair in the corner of the room. I don't want to unpack properly- I dont want to have to stay here for long, I'm obviously not welcome here.

There's a knock on the door and I jump with a start.

"Come in" I call. The door opens to reveal Jack's older sister Molly.

"Hey, I just came to see how you're settling in"

"Good, I think"

"Mom told me everything" She smiles sitting on the bed "He's just mad. He'll get over it"


"Jack" She says as-a-matter-of-factly "He still really likes you. The new found popularity has gone to his head"

"I know how that feels"

"Don't feel bad that you ditched him. I would too if I got the chance" She laughs "Well I'm going to the beach with some friends, you're welcome to come if you want to"

"Thanks Molly but I think I'll just stay here"

"Okay. Me and you. Tomorrow. Shopping. Deal?" She says holding her hand out for me to shake it. I nod and shake her hand "I'll wake you up bright and early" She laughs before walking out the door.

I forgot why I loved spending so much time here than at my own house. Jack's family are so much nicer than my own. Molly and I have never really had a proper conversation but she's still willing to hang out with me. It doesn't even seem like she feels like she has to because I'm staying here- I think she genuinely wants to. Jack's mom genuinely loves me, it feels like she's been more of a mom to me today than my real mom has in 17 years. Laura was willing to give up her room for me- remind me to thank her for that.

But how do I make it up to Jack?

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