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I laugh to myself and then crawl in beside him. He shifts slightly beside me, I hold my breath hoping that I didn't wake him up. I stare at the ceiling for a few moments before my eyes wonder around his room. I can't see much because it's pitch black outside but the street lights cast an eerie glow over the pictures on the wall, the trophies and other bits on the sides and the clothes over the floor. I smile to myself, remembering back to when I was younger, I spent everyday after school in this room because my sisters were still at school or my parents were always working. How could I forget that whole part of my life? It's like it was erased from my memory.

I squint for my eyes to focus on a particular photo on the wall. Execept it's not a picture, it's more like a certificate. It reads: 'To Jack Finnegan Gilinsky for being the bestest friend in the whole wide world! from Indigo Bartoli' with about a thousand kisses afterwards. I made that when I was 6, back then I would never have dreamed of ever leaving Jack to hang out with the 'cool kids' at school. I was never cut out to be one of them- I was smart (I still am), I had braces (Lets just say my teeth were so bad that I needed them when I was 6), I didn't have the slightest clue who Beyonce was or any other huge stars, I didn't know what make up was (shocking, I know) and I didn't care if I'd worn the same outfit twice.

I scan the room once more before turning my gaze to Jack. He's awake and watching me.

"11 years ago" He whispers, his voice raspy as if he's tired.

"What was?"

"That award" he nods towards the paper I had just been looking at

"It feels like yesterday"

"Yeah" he pauses for a long time "It hurt you know"

"What did?"

"When you left me-"

"Jack, I-" I interupt

"It felt like my whole world had just crashed around me, you were my best friend and you left me" He turns away from me "What made you do it? I was 11, and you left me. You were my only friend and you brushed me off like I was a piece of dirt on your shoe. Do you realise how hard it was for me to make friends? I was alone for 3 years of my life, afraid to talk to anyone, afraid to get close to anyone incase I was hurt again. It wasn't as easy for me as it was for you. I wasn't the best looking boy in school, I couldn't just slip into the cool group like you could"

"Jack" I place my hand lightly on his arm, he flinches slightly and then relaxes

"I've spent the whole of my high school life being abused and tormented by your so called 'friends' and you did nothing" He sounds angry now

"Jack please"

"No Indigo, I'm tired of your excuses. What's it going to be now? It wouldn't fit your new persona to be friends with me? I just wasn't cool enough? I didn't look good enough to be seen with you?"

"Jack just let me talk, please" He turns to face me, I bring my hand up to his face and wipe away his tears. I've never seen him cry like this before, of course he cried when we were younger. Jees, I couldn't get him to stop crying most of the time.

"Go on then, or do you need time to think of yet another lie?"

"I know there's nothing I could ever say that could make this situation go away. I abandoned you and i know that. I spend everyday regretting that. I never stopped thinking about you."

"Then why didn't you do something about it?" he whines

"Because I forgot it was you, I remebered everything about you, your name, what you looked like, all the time we spent together but I just forgot it was you"

"That makes no sense. I obviously didn't mean that much to you if you forgot about me" He spits

"Jack, what happened to us? We were so close, we couldnt be separated and now you're screaming in my face?"

"You left me"

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