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"I don't have to deal with this" I spit, throwing my hands in the air and storming out of the house.

How could she be so horrible? I mean, yeah I know I said some mean things too but she crossed the line. My parents don't hate me. Do they? She could be right. They did forget my birthday, so did my sisters. My own family forgot my birthday. Everyone else in school remembered it so why didn't they? My 17th birthday. Yeah, it's not a 16th or an 18th or a 21st but still, 17 is a big one, and they forgot it. Maybe they do hate me.

I slump down on my bed, holding back tears that are forming in my eyes. No Indie, you don't cry, you never cry. Don't cry over something so stupid. Don't cry over her. Suddenly, my phone begins to ring. Ergh, this better be important. I answer to hear a raspy voice that i'm not used to hearing.

"Er hi Indigo" The voice says. They sound nervous.
"Hey Jack" I sniff
"What's wrong?" Jack asks
"It's nothing, I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You don't sound too fine"
"I'M FINE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I shout through the phone.
"Jees, forget I phoned"
"Wait, Jack. I'm so sorry. It's just there's so much drama happening and I can't deal with it right now."
"It's fine, do you er, maybe want to meet up?"
"Um" I begin to think
"You don't have to, but I thought maybe I could cheer you up?" He adds quickly "Wait, no, I didn't mean it in that way"
"I didn't take it that way" I laugh
"So do you?"
"Sure, what have I got to lose?"
"Exactly! So mine in 10 minutes?"
"Sure but I don't know where you live"
"I live on your street? We used to play together everyday when we were kids?"
"Oh shit, that's you? You've changed so much!"
"I know, anyway 10 minutes?"
"Yeah bye jack"
"Bye" He says as I hang up the phone.

So this has been an eventful day. First cameron tells me that he thinks I'm hot, then Meg screams at me, then I realise that my family hates me and now I'm hanging out with a nerd. Never thought that would happen. No, stop thinking like that Indie , he's not a nerd, he's Jack. Your Jack. I throw on some baggy grey tracksuit bottoms and a plain white vest along with my white vans. I tie my hair up in a high ponytail, it still reaches just above my belly button, even though it's tied up. The girls always say that if your hair is long, it makes you 1000 times hotter, but I don't see it. Every girl is beautiful in their own way, no matter how long their hair is or what they look like.

126 steps. Just as it always was. I can't believe that I forgot about him. We spent every day together when we were younger. He was great, he didn't care what I looked like or how I dressed, he only cared about me, the real me. Not the fake, popular girl, queen bee me. I hope he still likes me, I mean, we've both changed a lot since we last hung out. As a matter of fact, why did we stop hanging out? Oh right, the girls told me to ditch him. He wasn't cool enough. Screw them. Why did I ever listen to them? No, I can't talk like this about them, Ellie and Anna are amazing, it's just Meg. It's always been Meg.

I step up to the front door. I take a deep breath as I ring the doorbell. I wait until a familiar woman with medium length brunette hair opens the door. Mrs Gilinsky.
"Indigo Bartoli?" She questions, stunned as if she can't believe that I'm stood in front of her,
"Hi Mrs Gilinsky, is Jack-" I don't have a chance to finish before she pulls me into a tight hug, I hug her back and breath in the smell of my childhood- apple pie and mints.
"I'm so happy to see you! How is everyone? Your mom, dad? Tilly, Violet?" she asks excitedly
"They're all good!" I think. "How about you guys?"
"We are all well! David has had a huge promotion at work recently!"
"That's great!"

"Mom?" Jack says as he comes walking down the stairs towards his mother and I. "Indie! You're early!"
"Sorry, I couldn't contain my excitement of seeing my little Jack attack." Sorry for the cheesy nickname, I was 6 okay? It's hard to think of a nickname for a name that is 4 letters long, the other option was Ja.
"Yeah, that's understandable." We laugh, it's just like the good old days, it's although nothing as changed. "Come in!" he leads me upstairs to his room. It's exactly the same, same sheets, same wallpaper, same carpet, same ugly voodo clown doll that always haunted me.
"You kept this?" I say walking past the doll to look at the frame on the wall. It's a picture of Jack and I from 7 summers ago, at math camp. Yes, we went to math camp. I wish I could say that he dragged me there but he didnt, I dragged him there.
"Of course! I've kept everything that reminds me of you"

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