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What? Jack wants to marry me. Of course I love him and no one I've ever dated has ever compared to him. I can't marry him though can I? Like he said, we're only 17 and we have our whole lives ahead of us. He won't want to be tied down to me for the rest of his life will he? Sure, his parents got married at our age but they dated for like 12 years before. Jack and I have been officially dating for less than 24 hours.

But he makes me so happy. He makes me feel loved. He makes me feel like I'm not just some girl you sleep with and forget about. He makes me feel like no one else has ever made me feel. I love him with all my heart and I was a complete jackass to throw that all way for Nash: twice. We've both made mistakes and we both regret them. Isn't it time that we did something good for each other? I have the chance to be happy for the rest of my life and he has the chance to be with the 'girl of his dreams' forever.

"I've been thinking about it for ages. Since you moved in with us. I know we've only been dating for what? 9 hours but it feels like we we're made to be together. I talked to my dad about it earlier and he said I should go for it. He knows how happy I am with you and how you mean the absolute world to me. I called your dad too."

"What did he say?"

"He was surprised to say the least. He hasn't heard anything about you for almost 2 months. He told me that as long as I make you happy and make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you again then I have his blessing. Oh and he said something about paintings?"

"Wow" Is all I can say.

"He wants you to know that he loves you. He knows he doesn't say it often enough but he's glad that you've finally found happiness"

"Jack. Stop talking." I say taking his hands and pulling him to his feet. "Yes, I will marry you" I kiss him deeply until he breaks away and slide the shining ring onto my finger.

"My grandmother gave it to me when I turned 16. She thought I should have it. I don't think she thought I'd make use of it so soon though" He says with a laugh.

"So you know what this means?" I smile. "I'm going to officially become a Gilinsky"

"Yes you are future Mrs Gilinsky" He beams, kissing me once again. I snake my arms around his neck and pull him closer towards me. His hands move from my hips down onto my bum as he deepens the kiss. I can't stop smiling from ear to ear at the thought of spending the rest of my life with him. Who'd have thought that we'd ever come to this stage considering the last few months of our relationship. The sun begins to set as he continues to kiss me. "I love you so much"

"I love you more" I beam.


I wake up and roll over to see Jack fast asleep next to me. I look at my ring again. I can't keep my eyes off of it. Last night when we got back and told the Gilinsky's the news, they were all over the moon. Sure, it's a massive step for us but I think we're ready for it. I reach up to my neck to feel my necklace. I now have 2 things to remind me of the start of the rest of my life with Jack. I climb out of bed and walk out into the living room wearing nothing but Jack's shirt and my bright pink lacy panties. I look out of the window to see the family car has disappeared from the driveway. I walk downstairs into the kitchen and find a note from Katherine.

'Gone for one last adventure :) Be back at 11. K x'

I run upstairs and slide back into bed with Jack. I run my hands inside his shirt, tracing his abs with my fingers. He stirs and soon opens his eyes smiling wide.

"Good morning fiancé" He says warmly. I don't respond. Instead I sit up and straddle him as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. I pull my shirt up over my head as his eyes widen at the sight of me. "This is a nice view to wake up to"

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