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It's the last day of school today aka my birthday. 17 at last. Let's just say that being the most popular girl in school does have it's perks- presents. Lots of them. Last year someone bought me a puppy, I don't even know them but it was so cute I had to accept. I broke the number 1 rule of popularity- don't take things from nobodies. That means they think you're their friend and then they do everything they can to get in with your friendship group. When it comes to my friendship group, I'll give you one tip. Do not do anything to make them look bad. They will ruin you. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I roll out of bed just as my two older sisters burst through my door, they're both ready for collage, which means I am running late. I scramble out of bed as they help me to get ready. Tilly- she's 20- gets my outfit ready, a very short pair of denim shorts with a floral vest top: Gucci of course and a pair of very high, black heels. Whist Violet- she's 19- straightens my hair. I put my contacts in and apply my layers of makeup, I never used to wear makeup but then when boys came into the picture that all changed. You know I said before that I only date collage boys? Well that's Tilly and Violet's boyfriend's friends but that never works out. They refuse for me to date any boys that are my age.

"Ind" Violet says still precisely straightening my hair whilst Tilly tries to help me step into my shorts.

"Yeah Vi?"

"It's only one more day" she smiles. She knows I hate this whole charade "Then you can be yourself, your friends know what you're really like. You've just got to keep up the queen bee act for one more day"

"Yeah I guess"

"Okay, you're done!" Tilly sings

"Thanks guys, I didn't realise how late I was"

"Anytime little sis, Come on Violet. We're going to be late" Tilly says dragging Violet out the door. I wait a few seconds until I hear the front door slam shut and a car engine start. I drag myself downstairs, collecting my books and sheets of paper trying to shove them into my Gucci handbag, one of mom's designs, the only bad thing is how small it is. I'll have to carry my ring binder today. Great. I make my way to the kitchen to see a cupcake with an unlit candle in it. I find some matches and light the candle and wait a few seconds. This is just like every year, my parents are always working and my sisters always forget so I have to celebrate my birthday on my own. I blow out the candle.

"Happy Birthday Indigo" I say to myself.

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